Tuesday 2 October 2018

Thinking Activity on Existentialism

     This task has been given to the students as an understanding of absurdity and of existentialism. For more details Click Here.
     Here are the some points which I like the most from the videos. 

V-1 : Individuality 

Yes, Existentialism begin with the philosophical thinking of an individuals. Thinking about individuality, passion and freedom remains in the center. By staying away from the herd we might get more understanding about it. A conjecture in God is not an answer of the struggle. One must should possess the understanding of absurdity. Theme like death, despair, absurdity and suicide makes this theory more attractive.

V-2 : Absurd Reasoning 

People often thinks of suicide because they never find any meaning of life. According to them life is absurd. And this is it what Camus calls philosophical problem. But longing for death is not an answer of it. One must should perceive hope as a survival. Further he replies that what he suggests is the source of  replacement.

V- 3 : Philosophical Suicide & Absurd mind 

What Camus says about Philosophical Suicide is that it is like an escapism from the struggle. The whole notion of desire is the consequences of the human beings. Do grapple with the struggle in total absence of hope. For absurd mind reason is useless and there is nothing beyond reason. But existentialist tries to put faith as a solution and ultimately it becomes escapism. Sometime taking leap also becomes risk.

V - 4 : Dadaism /Change 

A creative  change is always necessary. Dadaism was an art movement. It was all against the war. Most of the time old values creates chaos in the society. It was a great movement to be free from the obstacles.

V -5 : Existentialism -Rescue & Cure 

So many time it becomes difficult to find the meaning of life. This inner turmoil like despair, anxiety and absurdity never seems to leave. But existentialism gives the rationale sense of life. It was post war movement. Above mentioned inner turmoils were in every corner of an individuals. As a response of it existentialism stand up to rescue and cure. It tells to choose your  own meaning and take responsibility of it.

V-7 : Existentialism - Philosophical Movement

It is not a Philosophical system nor set of doctrine. But it is a movement which gives the meaning of life in the absurdity. In existentialism there were questions like problem of life as a human being. What is human condition. It stresses more on human perspective compare to divine perspective. And yes there is a difference between nihilism and existentialism. Because nihilism means nothing where's existentialism means to create something in life by accepting the fact.

V-8 : Do it at your own 

Nobody likes rules. According to Nietzsche why one behaves in certain ways? There is no need to believe in this rules. Because we can make our own rules. For that he gives the example of Ubermensch. Whatever you want you can do freely. Just get out from the chain. And whatever you want to do,  Do it at your own.

V-9 : Why I like Existentialism 

There is Two main sides of it. It appeals to our mind and heart. To understand it one must should possess an intellectual quality. An average person can not be an existentialist. It helps in expressing the darker side of life. One can accept own self. It develops rebellious thinking. Most of the time existentialism becomes the reason of refreshment too. Many time it affects every day life like in laughing, in intelligence, and also it makes compassionate. After pondering over it one can read the pain and never sees suffering as an enemy. By reading the existentialism one can live the moment of life with reality.

V-10 : Meaning of life 

Altogether what existentialism tries to say is that find a meaning of life. Because essence of life is necessary. No one can give meaning of life to you. One must should think  on his/her own.

• Video number 9 I like the most. Because it helps a lot in developing the personality of existentialist. It makes us broader thinker. We see life as a pragmatic things. We feel unconstrained.

• Obviously yes, This Flipped learning is like  a boon for so many students. It helped me a lot in understanding. It has widened my perception towards the Existentialism. By watching these videos I came to know about some another knowledge too.

                                                 Thank you...

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