Wednesday 3 February 2021

My Friend, The Things That Do Attain by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

              The poem 'My Friend, The Things That Do Attain' speaks about the universal happiness of human beings. In addition, it shows the political influence of that time in which Henry Howard lived. Most importantly, his eminence lies as the founder of English Renaissance Poet and the member of the court life of that British period. In this present poem the narrator describes the elements through which one can attain the happiness in his or her life. Along with his poetic genius, he was a reckless politician with less circumspect and that becomes the reason of his execution by Henry- 8. 

               Inherently Henry Howard was a wealthy lad and that helped him to establish his career in the court life of that time. Unlike his father, he becomes the victim of political upheaval caused by the different parties. Eventually, what we are trying to see is that how Howard draws the attention of audience through his bitter experiences of past life. Furthermore, he provides valid, common, ingredients to seek happiness in this collosal world.  Here we shall see the detailed analysis of each stanza. 

        My Friend, the things that do attain 
            The happy life be these, I find : 
          The riches left, not got with pain ;
      The fruitful ground ; the quiet mind ; 

            The first stanza is focused upon how one can attain sublime happiness in the life by following the shared elements. The narrator describes that to become rich is necessary but the way should be more honest and peaceful. Which draws our attention towards prevailing inequality among the people. Especially economical one. In addition, speaker provides the positive consequences of that honest life. For example, hard work always pays the fruit. As here narrator has mentioned, fruitful ground and quiet mind.  

       The equal friend : no grudge, no strife ;
          No charge of rule, nor governance; 
            Without disease, the healthy life; 
             The household of continuance; 
  The next stanza is based on total four elements of one standard life.  The first one is about the importance of true and equal, friendship.  Not only that, the author emphasizes on the true attributes of friendship.  Like,  there shouldn't be any hypocrisy, grudge or strife among the friends. At the very next moment, the poem swings from individualism to utilitarianism.  In order to maintain peace in a country, every nation requires a calm political situation. And to establish that situation, government needs to stop interfering into the private life of common people for their selfish motives. In current time, some of the developing countries are the authentic examples of cruel dictatorship.  The narrator doesn't stop here, now his focus is on person's health.  As a healthy life is considered as the symbol of heaven. When we read about the author, we come to know that how his family plays pivotal role in his political career. Similarly,  the narrator also illuminates the family values and its importance for a  peaceful life. It seems that the poem is following the chronological order, isn't it ? ! 

            The mean diet, no dainty fare; 
          Wisdom joined with simpleness; 
           The night discharged of all care, 
      Where wine the wit may not oppress;     

  The third stanza is directly connected with the human body.  The narrator shares the core values of moderate food. And we know that gluttony is considered as something evil among all scriptures. The prime focus of this stanza is on the simple life and its benefits.  If person follows the simplicity in his life then he may never choose to be relax.  Or we can say person doesn't need to intake wine.  Which is dangerous for human body. So according to the narrator,  one should live more simple life which is full of wisdom. Like, Mahatma Gandhi. When we read books based on his life, it tells that he was a staunch follower of simple life.  That's what makes him great 'Politician.' 

         The faithful wife, without debate; 
      Such sleeps as may beguile the night; 
          Content thyself with thine estate, 
     Neither wish death, nor fear his might.  

  As earlier we have seen that the poem looks like a growing up story.  Likewise, the last stage of this poem takes us towards the blissful end of life. Here, the narrator has a message for a married couple. As the last stanza suggests that faithfulness is the crucial aspects of a spousal life. In addition, poet uses the irony by considering night as something beguile. The last two lines of the poem represents the core knowledge of writer's past life. It tells that once person has his own estate it is better to be content with what he has rather than to be more wolfish.  Not only that, the narrator considers this life more compassionate for everyone. In order to achieve that beauty, people should avoid the fear of death. Because once person win over the fear, he or she  can achieve anything in this world.  

Rhyming Scheme : ABAB CDCD  EFEF GHGH 
                                  4 QUATRAINS 

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