Tuesday 17 October 2017

The Tragic play - Doctor Faustus

                            Doctor Faustus 

Introduction : The full title of the play is                               "The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of  Doctor Faustus. It was written by Christopher Marlowe in early 1590s. It was first published in 1604 (Book -A) and 1616 (Book -B). The setting of the play is Europe, specially Germany and Italy.  

Protagonist : Doctor Faustus 

Major Conflict :Faustus sells his soul to                               Lucifer in exchange for 24 years of immense power, but the desire to repent begins to plague him as the fear of hell grows in him.  

Rising action : Faustus 's study of Dark                             Magic -Necromancy and his initial conversation with Mephistophilis. 

Climax : Faustus's sealing of the pact that                        promises his soul to Lucifer. 

Falling action : Faustus's traveling of the                               world and performing of magic for various rulers. 

Themes : Sin, redemption, damnation ; the         conflict between medieval and Renaissance values; absolute power and corruption; the divideness of human nature. 

Motifs : Magic and the supernatural;                            practical jokes. 

Symbols : Blood; Faustus's rejection of the                     ancient authorities; the good angel and the evil angel.

Conclusion : In the end of the play Dr.                                  Faustus's time comes to it's end and evil angel comes and takes him into the hell. But we can say that there was Renaissance spirit in him who challenges God by his knowledge, but it was a hubris or some other evil forces led him into the tragic end. 

  • By the screening of the play it became very useful in understanding .
                      Thinking Activity 

1- The Play directed by Mathew Dunster for globe theatre ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer) what does it signify?          
             Lucifer with wide wings 

It's signify that how devil rules over good things  or we can say that devil wins and God fails. During the whole play we sees if we compare the both angels every time evil wins that shows the power of that force or we can say the weakness of a human. 

2- Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If no, why? 

Yes, God present in the play. When a old man comes and tells Faustus that still you have time to repent and remember God. So we can interpret that old man as a God or messenger of God. 

 Old Man : o, stay, good Faustus, stay thy desperate steps! I see an angel hover O'er thy head, And, with a vial full of precious grace, Offers to pour the same into thy soul :Then call for mercy, and avoid despair. 

3- what reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus ?

The image of Daedalus and Icarus suggests that do not try to cross the limit. We knows that Daedalus makes wings from wax so he tells his son Icarus that do not go near to the sun because wax will start melting if you will go near to the sun and you will fall. But Icarus just takes it lightly and somehow he starts feeling high or better than them so that is the time he falls into the water and drowned. 
The same thing happened with the Doctor Faustus who suffers from hubris and that thing led him into the hell. 

                                                Thank you....... 

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