Friday 15 December 2017

T. S. Eliot : Tradition and Individual talent

                     Thinking Activity 



1- How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of tradition ? Do you agree with it? 

     Yes, I'm agree with the concept of Tradition. Eliot explains the concept of tradition with wider sense. Most of the time the word 'tradition' uses in negative sense. But Eliot says that it is not like that. According to him, because of the great past one can make novelty in work. It's not merely imitating. It can't be inherited but it should be strive by great labour. It is not just copying the past but to be fit in with new awareness. 

2- What do you understand by Historical sense? 
         By explaining the concept of tradition, Eliot uses the concept of Historical sense. 

   "The Historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence."

        Historical sense means what is still or already living not what is dead. It describes the perception of the presence of the past not only it's pastness. He uses the words timelessness and temporal. Because the great works are still living in temporary time. The ideas of past still living in today's time. That is the thing which makes writer traditional.   

3- What is the relationship between Tradition and Individual talent? 

         In his Essay Eliot very well explains the relationship between tradition and individual talent. Eliot says that tradition means not just what comes Inherited but it can be strive by great labour. For that one should have individual talent. One can enhance this skill by great labour. For that he gives the example of Shakespeare. Shakespeare enhance his skill by wide reading of Greek Literature and Homer. By using this all things with creativity in his work. That's calls individual talent. 


4- Explain : "Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum. "

          This sentence shows the great individual talent of Shakespeare. Shakespeare has cultivated the skill of wide reading , he just read the whole Plutarch's life and he gets knowledge from Greek literature. Or we can say that from different different fields he collects the knowledge and then implies that skill in his creative work with new techniques and manner. That's the thing which other contemporaries of him has not cultivated, so they are become less success. So we can say that Shakespeare lived through his age. He has also good absorbing quality. 

5- Explain : " Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon Poet but upon the poetry ."

           By this quote Eliot says that the criticism of any work should be done upon the artist's art not upon artist. Or upon poetry not upon poet. Critc should have criticise the work with honesty, by staying aloof. He should not criticise the work by only reading the title of the work or writer's name. For the good judgement he should judge the only poetry not poet. The work of poet is more important. 


6- How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of Depersonalization? 

      In this theory Eliot uses the scientific equation. Or we can say chemical reaction. By this scientific elements he describes the poetic process. He gives the example of Sulfuric acid. To get this element, their must should be platinum as a catalyst. But when we get this element we can not find platinum. Platinum remains total absent. By giving this example he suggests that in the poem ,poet 's emotion and feeling should be not there. Poet has to be depersonalize. Because that's the thing which gives more beauty to his work. 


7- Explain "Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion,"It not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. " 

        This quote shows the theory of depersonalizstion .The work of any poet should be written with detachment. His own feelings should be not there in his work. If poet writes with aloofness then his work will get more success. Poet should be  escape from personality. 

8- Write two points on which one can write critique on T. S. Eliot as a critic. 

       Eliot gives the concepts of : Tradition, Individual talent, Depersonalization .In this theory he describes the historical sense, escaping from emotions. Also he emphasis the individual talent, which one can strive by great labour. 

                            Thank you 


1 comment:

  1. Very good attempt with correction of language and meaningful images related to topics. Keep it up.
