Tuesday 6 March 2018

Fiction and Lies - Online discussion


    Here I am discussing the differences between Fiction and Lies.
        According to me Fiction and Lies are both different, But some times I feels both are mixed. 
        Fiction is uses for art or entertainment. But a lies is usually a manipulation. But what we find is generally lies tells us that they are giving us truth but actually not. While writer who used fiction in their  work they tells that it is not fact. So we can say that liar truth is like "post truth ".
        In literature writer write with fiction and Plato argued that fictional work and creator of it ,all are liar. But they defences that it is only for enjoyment not for criticize. But in lies it keeps us in the darkness and we might feel we are in light. 

      Some how we can say that lies is harmful but fiction can  be harmful. For example some fictional work children tries to uses in their lives and as reult of it, It can be dangerous also. 

        So in a way I can say that lies only gives the harm. But fiction gives us so many new thoughts which were not in our mind. It plays vital role in opening up our mind. 

         Sometimes we find both are mixed with each other. Fictional and lies both are presented with each other .

          If we listen somebody saying that my success is a blessing of God, But those who are not aware of it they might consider it as a truth but this is not true it is lie, for success one has to do rigorous work. But it seems it is true because it is told by successful person, but it is harmful.

                                Thank you.... 

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