Saturday 10 March 2018

Mario Vargas Llosa - and Contemporary Issues, online discussion

                       Online discussion

                      Now a days in our contemporary time we confronts with so many new words, which are necessary to understand deeply. And that words are like....

Intellectual Honesty 
Literature and Morality 
Political correctness 
Freedom and Technology 

These words are greatest challenge to the democracy. 

      Mario Vargas Llosa discusses these all words in the sense of Cultural Studies. And also he has very well argued that these kinds of things suppresses the individual freedom. He is a Peruvian write, Politician, Jornalist, Essayist, and college professor. And he belongs to the Latin America. He has won the Noble prize also in  Literature 'for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance ravolt  and defeat '. (Wikipedia) 

        He believes in individual as an autonomous and responsible being and freedom as the supreme asset. And he debated about all above Political Ideological issues in contemporary times. 

• Liberals : It means everyone has a freedom of everything. But what happens is, a few person are able to free from everything. But Political Ideologies suppresses their desire of freedom. They connect these freedom with culture and tries to destroy the voices of Liberals by  the taking help of mass. 
                         If young people raises their voices to oppose  the power than the power will use the cultural ideas against them,  which are forcefully stamped in the society to be remain in power.

• Nationalism  : If we truly thinks about freedom than we can not be "National ". Because some how these ideas of Nationalism makes us narrow minded. And it becomes an obstacle in freedom. And ultimately it takes us towards racism. If we say I am a Nationalist, it means I am privileges over another. And it can be apply in caste, religion and in race also. 
                            If we think deeply than we realizes that how can a person can believe in two opposite ideas... Like  at one place you says that "Vasudhev Kutumbkam " and other places you are says that Nation first ...

 Thus we can say that this idea of nationalism becomes dangerous for free thinkers. The best example of it is lies into  the white Americans who are driven by the political idea of nationalism and starts becoming narrow minded. 

• Populism  : It is a like a movement that mobilizes the population against an institution or government for their defense .Or it can be against the corrupt dominant elites and also to their followers. 

• Political Correctness : It is the enemy of the freedom : It means whatever you speak that must have voice of power or it should be not anti power. You have to speak as per their ideologies .But by  doing this thing ultimately you are creating hazard for democracy. Because you starts thinking as they wants not as you wish. 

                      Thus Political correctness becomes hazardous for freedom. 

• Literature and Morality  :  One must should have freedom to express their art and literature. Without any camouflaged  control. It can be anti of everything. It can be immoral. Their must should be bias free literature. 

• Technology : We all knows that today's time is being consider as a era of information. Technology becomes more vital for the commons. But some how this technology is becoming detriment for us. We can not believe in it because now one can easily give any fake news of anything....and most of the time it ruins the freedom of it. 

• Intellectual Honesty : One must have to work with intellectual honesty. It is applied to solve the issue without bias or without personal belief . It works with only truth .But some how it it becomes anti power than this power suppresses the voice of it .

       So we can conclude that How much  these all words are necessary for us to understand  the contemporary issues and that is the thing which is  very well argued  by Mario Vargas Llosa in his debate. And by studying these we becomes more aware about democracy and freedom which we have .
                                                          Thank you 

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