Wednesday 22 August 2018

Role of a Teacher and Learner (ELT - Task)

   Many time we hear about the progress of the nation. Which is connected with the education. When we compare our education with others that time we realize that they are progressing far better than us. So the questions arises for both teachers and students. The another question comes in our mind is that Are they playing their role wholeheartedly or Is there any fault in system? 

# Role of a Teacher : 

Ideal - A teacher must should be ideal. Because most of the time students remains in the teacher's  contact. As we all knows that " A picture is worth a thousands words.  " 

Urge -  Yes, there must should be a strong urge to make someone greater.

Frank - A teacher must should be enough frank. Because it will help in building the bond among the students. 

Resourceful - What students think about a teacher is that.... A teacher knows everything... So teacher must should be able to give proper explanation. 

Supporter -  Most of the time students needs support from the teachers. A good teacher must motivates for the further learning. But If they doesn't get support from the teachers then students starts avoiding the new initiative or expressing their selves. 

Neutral -  A good teacher never makes partiality in the class. For him/her all students remains equal. 

Avant - garde -  A good teacher perpetually remains up-to date. And thinks and teaches  rationally and scientifically, cultivates the thinking habit in students. An educator always supports edutainment. 

# Role of a Learner : 

Consistent  - A regular student progresses better than others. So students must should be consistent in their studies.

• Disciplined - If students remains disciplined in his or her work/ life  then they can reach at the height. 

Rational - Most of the time students remains busy in their other works which are not at all necessary to do. So students should be rational. 

Player -  All student must should play the games. Because games helps a lot. In fitness, teamwork, leadership etc. 

Innovative - Yes, A student must should be innovative. That will provide him/her better solutions. 

Modest - Sometimes students starts misbehaving with the people. So student must should be modest, otherwise there would be no difference between literate and illiterate. 

Questioner/ Researcher - For the bright future one must should possess these kinds of habits. Because these kinds of habits will make you more intelligible. 

                                                       Thank you...

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