Thursday 24 January 2019

'Mass Media and its Importance'

          Now a days it became easy to communicate with mass, because of the various Mass Media Platforms. These all  platforms turned into a kind of a 'Boon' for the commons.  After the captivating  discussion on Mass Media and its Importance, it becomes necessary to reflect the learning and as result of it,  students has to give the name of any Mass Media Platform which they uses for communication. For the further details related to the task click here.... 

     1- Which is your favorite Mass Media platform for the communication ? Why do you like it ? What are its drawbacks ? 

             My favourite Mass Media platform for the communication are all the social media platforms. Why not a favorite...? Because each has it's own limitations. But I like the most #YouTube, #Facebook and #Whatsapp.  
              As most important thing about all the media is the accessibility of it. 'After the internet', things turned easy for an isolated too. These all the platforms not only provides an  information but it connects one person to the other. Anybody can share things with everyone. If we take an example of education,  there are so many persons who makes learning easy/ interesting / easily accessible with the help of Facebook. In addition those who have read an interesting thing, they can mention others so they can also easily access.  As we know that #Facebook is a global platform, hence it helps in widening the horizon of mind. As for the 'real' understanding,  'application' becomes necessary.  There are some teachers who teaches lessons in class, shares related concept on Facebook / Whatsapp, which helps in deep understanding.  So teacher remains more connected with the students, and as a result of it communication becomes easy

           While talking about drawbacks of it,  most of the people concerned about their privacy and data and also about the originality of content.  
                                                      Thank you... 

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