Friday 1 March 2019

Thinking Activity : One Night at the Call Centre

        After an enlightened discussion on the novel, reflection becomes inevitable. As a result of it we got this thinking activity.  To know more about the related task click here... 

 1 - Does the novel have social realism? If yes,  illustrate. If no,  what did you expect as social realism which is absent here.

Yes,  there are so many references which shows social realism. From the beginning we can say that most of the novels of Chetan Bhagat deals with contemporary youth. Who knows the problem of youth. Youth remains in the center.  When we talk about youth,  it means there must be some elements of love,  frustration,  job and etc. Furthermore it shows work culture of India.  How bossism works.  We find almost all people as being driven by the concept of God. Apart from these all things,  most of the time youth wants to be free from all the chains but family values creates an obstacle. Similarly, how marriage becomes the problem for youth that is very well captured in the novel.

2 - What sort of effect of globalization is found in ON@TCC ? 

   One can't deny that Globalization has not at all any effect on people. There are so many scenes which shows the effects of globalization.  From the starting we find that it has a positive as well as negative effects on life.  If we see the names of character,  Shyam turns into Sam,  Varun turns into Victor and etc.  We find cultural homogenization of workers in call center, exploitation of employees,  language issues,  growing technology,  equality between Men and Women,  Rising anxieties in life. So we can say that it affects a lot.  But one should remember the definition of globalization given by Thomas Friedman : " The world is flat, Globalization is the integration of capital,  technology and information across national borders,  in a way that is creating a single global market and to some degree, a global market."

3 - What do you understand by self-help book.  Is ON@TCC self help book ? Illustrate.  

   From the example of God's call,  we can say that this book stands in the category of self help book.  During God's call,  we find that all the characters looks into their selves.  They asks questions to them selves,  what is happened to them is because of their mistakes.  Now they have to work hard by considering pass mistakes as a learning lessons.  Thus,  we can interpret that  God's call can be put as an inner voice.

4 - Is this novel anti- America?  Illustrate it in context of theme of nationalism.  

 Yes,  we can see direct references of it in the novel.  The character of Vroom criticises American policy.  People thinks that they are the happiest people but it is not so. America is considered as a war mongering country.  Because America fears from others.
' A thirty five year old American's brain and IQ is the same as a ten years old Indian's brain.

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