Saturday 6 January 2024

Media: Freedom of The Press


Shashi Tharoor is known for advocating media freedom and the importance of a free press. He emphasizes its role in fostering democracy by providing information, fostering public debate, and holding those in power accountable. Tharoor often stresses the need to protect journalists and maintain a vibrant, independent press to safeguard democratic values.


Freedom of the press is crucial for several reasons. It serves as a cornerstone of democracy by:

1. Informing the Public: A free press provides citizens with accurate and diverse information, enabling them to make informed decisions about their government, society, and world events.

2. Accountability: Journalists act as watchdogs, holding those in power accountable for their actions. This accountability is vital for preventing corruption and abuse of power.

3. Promoting Open Debate: A free press encourages open discourse and diverse opinions, fostering a healthy exchange of ideas. This contributes to a well-informed and engaged citizenry.

4. Protecting Human Rights: Journalists play a key role in exposing human rights abuses and injustices. Their work often leads to societal awareness and action against such violations.

5. Preserving Democracy: A free press safeguards democratic values by providing a check on governmental power. It helps ensure that decisions are transparent, and the public has the information needed to participate in the democratic process.

In essence, freedom of the press is integral to maintaining a transparent, accountable, and democratic society.


1. What is the significance of World Freedom Day?
2. How does access to information bring about empowerment?
3. Which news channel do you watch regularly?
4. Who is your favorite journalist?
5. What do you think about Social Media as a part of Journalism? 

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