Saturday 28 October 2017

Robinson Crusoe - novel by Daniel Defoe

                       Robinson Crusoe                                  
Introduction : Robinson Crusoe is a novel                            by Daniel Defoe. It was published on 25th April 1719. The novel is based on the life and story of the Scotsman Alexander Selkirk (1676-1721).He went to sea on the galleon Cinque Ports in 1703 under the pirate William Dampier.                                      
                 The protagonist of the novel is Crusoe himself. During whole novel he stays in the center. The main thing about this novel is he starts voyages on the sea. During his voyage he suffers from so many things . First thing is he was already refused by his father to sail on Sea World. One time his ship got attacked by pirates. During his voyage unfortunately he suffers from bad weather. This all things considered as a good obstacles because further he will suffer more than this. 
                During the voyage he sales a boy Xury. Finally he reaches on the island where he finds human but they are like a beast but on the island he finds an interesting character calls Friday. By the understanding they both are able to communicate. Here Crusoe tries to rule on him and also makes him slave. He repents for this thing and prays to God. After recovering the ship he leaves that island and he rescued by the English sailors. 

Individualism in the novel : Individualism                                   is also the main theme of the novel. Self -preservation and self-help is the key of Crusoe 's character. Ian Watt's argument that Crusoe epitomises economic individualism. 
                   Though he is alone on the island for twenty -eight years, he is able to keep his sanity because he simply uses the opportunity to do what he desires and wants. He learns to battle the elements, to hunt and defend. We can say he civilises himself as best suits the island. 
                      Crusoe conquers his fears, resigns himself to being alone, starts acquiring,  a comprehensive knowledge of the island, then develops the house and space around him. 
                  Defoe uses Georgia term for make that island hospitable. Crusoe learns to fight. 

Conclusion : Thus we can conclude this                          novel by saying that it is full of adventure with moral lessons and also there is satires on the colonizers of that time. Because colonialism we can see in the novel. Master slave relationship also there in the novel. Defoe himself experienced this all things that is why he becomes success in the style and form of this novel. It talks about travels and trade also. Religion also present in the novel. 
          So overall it is a very good novel. 
                                               Thank you.... 

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