Saturday 18 November 2017

Wordsworth's Preface - Thinking Activity

                       Thinking Activity 


1  - Do You agree with Wordsworth's poetic Creed?
               Yes, I'm agree with Wordsworth's Poetic creed, because you are writing a  poetry for everyone. If your language of poetry is not understandable to all than it is not good thing. Or we can say that the language of poetry should be easy ,so common man can also understand. The main thing is,  poetry should give delight to common man also, whether it's following the rules of poetry or not. 

    2- What is Poet? 

        Wordsworth said that "Poet is a man who speaking to man, endued with more lively sensible who has greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul, than are supposed to be common among mankind"  So by this definition of Wordsworth on Poet, We can say that Poet is a different man , who has greater knowledge of human nature, he can think better than common man. 

     3 -Poetic Language 
              The language of poetry should be the language of rural life .Common man can understand easily .So language could not be the obstacle in understanding. 

     4 - Subject of Poetry 

               The subject of poetry should be expresses the natural or pastoral life. We see if the subject of poetry is related to the urban life than common man not enjoy, but if the subject is related to the common man everyone can enjoy. 

    5- Do you think poems are better written with simple language or obscure language? 

       As per my opinion poems are better written with simple language, because if we see every one are not highly scholar, if the language of poems is so much difficult to understand than common man can not understand. So language should be simple, the main aim of poem should be to give pleasure. 

      6- Do common men,peasants,farm laborers, poor people make better subject for poem than land lords, rich people? 

         According to me rural life, or common man, peasants , farmer, poor people make better subject of poem, compare to land lord or rich people. Because we see in pastoral life nature almost near to people, they have great emotion for each other and also for nature. Their daily life is more attractive than urban life. 

      7- Is poet a  genius as Coleridge thinks or is s/he common man speaking to common men as Wordsworth thinks? 
        According to me it is not necessary to be genius for writing poetry. So I am disagree with Coleridge. And poet should be like common man who speaks with men. The main thing about Poet is the subject, how he / she presents the things in poem. So, I am agree with Wordsworth. Because we see in earlier time there were so many poets who were illiterate, yet their work is still read and enjoy by everyone. 

                                                 Thank you.... 

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