Monday 2 April 2018

Ph.D. viva of Arpit Dave


# Attended Ph.D. viva of Arpit Dave
# At Academic Hall , New Admin building, MKBU. 
# Number of students came from Department of English MKBU .
# Research Supervisor 
           Dr. M. B. Gaijan Sir                                               Dr. Dilip Barad Sir
           Dr. Chetan Trivedi Sir 

The topic of Ph.D. :

           Critical Study of Interpretations  and               translations of The Vedas and The                Upanishads by Sri Aurobindo another             Translator.

Key concepts of his Thesis : 

    Three main Trends of interpretation and translations .
  1- Brahmana Trend 
  2- Aryana Trend 
  3- European Trend 
   He used the term " double entendre " .
   Vedas are not of only particular religion. 

  What is the relevance of it in today's time. 

   It is for harmony, happiness. 

   Dr. Radhakrishnan said : The crisis in the society will be of consciousness not of Economic or  Political. 

    We can not translate the every word from the text. Like Musical form of the Mantras.

  The difference between western translation and Aurobindo's translations. Some how Aurobindo's translation gives more appropriate meanings.  

       At the end of the presentation students has asked very relevant and more curious questions. 
       And at the last the research supervisor gave suggestions to the students that first choose your interested topic for the further study and that will help you to be with your topic. Also they all have congratulate him. 
        So overall it was fruitful session to attend. And also The rigorous work seen in his work. To complete his thesis he worked almost 7 years. 

   Here I am putting some images of his presentation .


                             Courtesy. .
                             Thanks. .

1 comment:

  1. Well said brother ... Keep on sharing the things .....
    And don't forget anyway , time blogging ...... It's best quality of best blogger .....
