Wednesday 8 August 2018

" Design " by Robert Frost

                        Thinking Activity

    When someone tells us to draw a sketch of nature what we draw  is the beautiful landscape. Before studying the poem "Design " , ma'am told us to draw a sketch of nature as a classroom activity. So here is the image of that sketch. 

          So here we can see all the elements with the positive connotation. We find nature as an enjoyment. Everything seems perfect. 

         But after reading the poem "Design " we finds totally different imagery. How nature becomes a cruel things that we finds through the example given by the Frost.  
           In the beginning we finds a heal- all tree which represents the healing power but what happens is that a white spider is there and preys the moth. He raises the question like why that moth sits on that tree? Why that tree has a white flowers?  A total paradoxical imagery  arises. The another thing we finds is that, generally white represents the peace but the situation arises is of violence.  Means we can say that some how the nature is not a perfect "Design". 

        After reading about the Frost we finds that he was a farmer also. If we takes the example of farmer then it will be more easier to understand this poem.  After a monsoon all seems green which pleases the eyes but for the farmers it gives tears in the eyes because there are so many unnecessary things also grows with the seeds and it becomes necessary to remove it otherwise the crop will not grow properly. So in cultivating the land farmers sees the so much violence in the form of the insects and etc.  So poet raises the question against the " Design " of the God. 

                                                           Thank you 

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