Sunday 19 August 2018

Movie Review - " Lagaan "

# Celebrated 72nd  Independence Day 
# Flag Hoisting 
# At Administrative Building, MKBU. 
# Film Screening 
# Lagaan , At # Department of English 

       As we all feel proud to be born in India. But actually we trie to escape from the responsibilities. The another question  arises in our mind is that.... Are we contributing in the progress of the nation...?  Or I think we believe in gibberish. We just merely like to take pride. 

          On this significant occasion of Independence Day,  We have watched the movie "Lagaan : Once upon a time in India". It is a sports- drama film directed by Ashtosh Gowariker. 
                   We watched this movie not merely as an entertainment movie but to cultivate the habit of reading literature from beneath. So there are so many hidden points which we can ponder. 

# Rural India : The whole setting of the movie remains in the village. Which represents the actual India. Where we find agricultural activities as their chief source of livelihood. The dialect which people use that also represents the countryside. But the situation of the people is not good. The another interpretation comes in our mind is that after having these kinds of problems yet they live their lives happily. 

# Patriotism :  During the whole movie we find this quality in the people. The protagonist of the movie, Bhuvan who shows great courage for the welfare of the province and motivates other villagers to come up and rebel against the Britishers. The characters of Lakha, Deva, Arjan and Ram Singh who have worked for the Britishers but after realizing that they merely exploit them and joins the Bhuvan's group. Even women help a lot in this rebel. Altogether they all vigorously work to get rid of from the high taxes. 

# Nationalism : What political ideology tells about nation that becomes Nationalism. They have a strong belief for the nation. When Raja Puran Singh denies to eat non-vegetarian food that shows the nationalism. The another scene comes in our mind is that when we see Captain Russell, practicing,  deer hunting that time Bhuvan tries to rescue that deer. Which again portrays the national ideology because in reality the situation seems vice versa. 

# Subaltern Studies : Some how or the others all the characters represent the lower status or the theme of a  subaltern  in order to gender, caste, class, religion and etc. 

Women < Men 
Kachra  < Other 
Ismail < Other 
Villagers < Mukhya 
Mukhya < Raja 
Raja < Captain Russell 
Captain Russell < British Governor 
Spinner < Pacer
Bowling < Batting 

    Thus we can find the theme of subaltern. But through the character of Elizabeth we can say she lives an independent life. Which is lacks in Indian women in the movie. The rebel against the Britishers is initiated by the villagers which again portrays them powerful compared to Raja. So some how director has provided the voices in the characters of Kachra, Ismail, Elizabeth and in Villagers. The another interpretation comes in our mind is that spinner plays vital role in the match. 
     Yet one question arises in our mind is that Why director has shown Indians as  a first bowling side...? Or I think  we are habituated to celebrate victory by hitting six not by bowling. 

# Casteism : We can openly find the caste system in the village. Which prevails even today in the rural India. In a movie we finds in the character of Kachra,  He considered as a untouchable by the other villagers. Most of them denies to play with him.  He lives on the periphery of the village. Where as Ishwar lives in the center of the village. 

              But here we can interpret positively. In the movie Bhuvan explains the villagers through the example of Rama - Shabri and people accepts Kachra as a team member. 

# Leadership Skills : Through this movie we can finds the leadership skills. When we see the character of Bhuvan.

- Challenge as an opportunity : A leader always sees challenge as a opportunity. For him this is the beginning towards the destination. We sees these qualities in Bhuvan. He courageously accepts the challenge. He thinks differently compare to the  common man. 
- Initiator : To initiate the campaign is easy but the real work starts after the initiative. For leader it becomes necessary to implement the things. And Bhuvan does it very well. He doesn't knows how to play the cricket but yet he behaves as he knows everything. 
- Practice : Without practice no one can get success. So practice becomes vital before any battle. So Bhuvan starts practice with Tipu and stimulates other members for practice. 

- Team Builder  : A leader must should be aware about building the team. And to win such a battle it requires more and more hands. It is not an easy task to do. Because everyone can not be the member of a team. For that a leader can show the power of unity. Another thing requires is that a leader must should posses the insight of finding the skills. A leader should be able to explain his team member why and how he can be the crucial for the team. That thing Bhuvan does very well by making Bhura, Guran, Arjan, Goli, Ishwar, and Bagha ready for the match. 

Benevolent : A true leader never thinks for his own benefits. Always becomes ready for the sacrifices. That all things we sees in the character of Bhuvan. 
- Empathetic : An empathetic leader always understands the feeling of his team member. He listens all the problems of his teammate. Here in movie Bhuvan listens the inner problems of Lakha. And gives him another chance. 
- Confidence : A most powerful weapon is the self believe. If leader becomes diffidence then he invites the trouble. And we never finds Bhuvan as a diffidence. Where as captain Russell who seems an arrogant person and full of overconfidence. Which leads them towards the massive defeat. 

# Religion : Most of the times we find the theme of religion in the movie. Whenever villagers stucks in the muddle that time they goes at temple and starts prayers. When Bhuvan hits the bowl and bell rings. So, for villagers it is like an omen. 

# Togetherness : Whenever any calamity comes in the village all people gets together and becomes the saviour for each other. So unity remains in the center of the movie. When one king from near province comes to hit Bhuvan that time all puts themselves in front of the king. 

# Honesty : This thing we find during the match. Where we fin that  they have hired umpires from other places. During the whole match umpiring remains unbiased. That thing we do not see in the character of Lakha. Who betrays the team. Where as Elizabeth helps villager in the preparation. Because she knows her brother is doing unfair with the innocents.

# Post - Colonialism : As we all know that the  game of cricket is belongs to the Britishers. So metaphorically cricket is imposed on us.  In the movie also we find Elizabeth as an instructor of cricket. In the movie Lakha represents dishonesty whereas Elizabeth represents the honesty. So again White remains on the positive side.

# Lynching : Now a days the problem of lynching is becoming more and more serious. Most of the times mob takes law in their hands and obviously the outcome gives only pain. So when Lakha betrays the villagers, mob tries to lynch him but Bhuvan listens his problems. It is not Lakha who betrays the team but it is the frustrations which leads him towards the evilness. 

        Thus we should take all this  things into the consideration. Otherwise our nation will turn into  the Talibanization. 

           Altogether it was a great session and an awesome movie to watch.  Because we all got insight to watch the movie from the deeper side. Again a significant movie to watch. 
                                                       Thank you 



  1. We habituated Celebrate victory by hitting six not by bowling !Really a nice interpretation, overall well and deep reading of movie.
