Monday 18 March 2019

Harry Potter : Web Quest Activity

             Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K.  Rowling. After an enlightened discussion on the novels/ movies, it is up-to the students to show their learning. For further details related to the task click here... 

                 Many time we question about Children Literature. But it has so many hidden points to tell. As we have studied various approaches/ theories, that we can put into practice through these series of novels. These are the some points which we can discuss in this series.

1 Feminist reading of Hermione's character in Harry Potter.  

    The character of Hermione Granger is very well captured in the novel through feminist angle. She plays passive and active role throughout the novel.  As she represents the group of Witch - Here, the meaning of the word 'Witch' gives derogatory meaning compared to Wizard. There are so many scenes which shows the intellectual side of her. ( Compared to Harry and Ron ) However she represents lower status, most of the time she rescues Harry.  It means she represents caring nature, which is highly problematic from feminist angle.  She has all girlishness - emotional,  jealousy, envy and etc.  Which lacks in the characters of Harry and Ron.

2 Discourse on the purity of blood and Harry Potter. 

       In a whole novel we find an identity crisis of the lower.  They all suffers from inside pain.  The concept of pure blood remains present during whole novel. Characters like,  Malfoy,  Snape, Umbridge constantly abuses half blood or rather we can say to mudblood.  The character of Hermione represents Muggle Blood, Harry categorized as a half blood. Where's the character of Malfoy indicates pure blood.  
         This whole concept prevails even today in society too. But here it is in the forms of casteism and  racism. It is the fear of loosing power irritates them. ( To  "Pure Blood ") Which turns into a violence. That's what we see in the character of Malfoy, who has a fear of Harry and Hermione. However,  we can't deny that Malfoy needs proper nourishment and atmosphere to overcome from these types of ill mindset.  Nonetheless,  politics also plays negative role in driving the emotions of people.  

3 Confronting reality by reading fantasy :

     Through this technique( Fantasy) of narration writer satires on the society.  It has not  a fantasy elements only. But it includes human behavior in depth.  Like, Birth and Death, Love and Hatred, Good and Evil.  There are almost all the character portrayed as a coin,  which has both sides good as well as bad.  From the beginning of the novel we see Harry's Parents as dying, Harry as a chosen one, Harry feels loneliness, mistreated by his uncle and aunt. Which shows the nature of them. Which is completely different from his parents. Moreover,  the character of Hermione and Ron have bitter sweet relationship. Where's Harry and Ginny has quite mature relationship.  Which shows their collaboration and understanding. Dumbledore teaches morality where's Umbridge has evil qualities as a master.  There are other examples which shows reality also. There are people who constantly keep fighting with their own self. Like,  Voldemort,  Snape. Thus,  we can say that all the characters represents real life.  

4 The discourse of power and politics in Harry Potter : 

    The whole education system is an example of power and politics.  We can see those who knows more magic they are on superiority where's those who don't know, they are at lower level.  There are some professors like Snape who makes discrimination in students.  Who creates others to be on a power position . After passing time we find that Umbridge becomes the main master of the school / Hogwarts.  Who changes all the rules. Even media and news paper are in her/ power's control.  So,  we can see how power dynamic works in society. 
5 Children's Literature and Harry Potter : 

     Most of the time we avoid Children's literature as it has so many fantastic elements. But it has so many hidden points for adults too. There are some children literature which is difficult to understand for children and adults. Harry Potter is one of it. Though, it is very important in cultivating imagination power.  Children can learn beyond the limitations.  
         "Children's Literature studies has traditionally treated comics fitfully and superficially despite the importance of comics as a global phenomenon associated with children" ( Wikipedia)  This definition is quite right.  In Harry Potter,  we find magical elements, growing children, fantastic elements, behavior of children,  likes and dislikes of children, animals as a friends and foes and at last moral lessons.  So these all inventive ideas we can see in this novel.  There are some other stuff like wand, idea of reward,  tasks,  games,  victory and defeat, which strengthen the idea of children's literature.  

6 Speculative Literature and Harry Potter :

       The Speculative literature is a kind of an umbrella term. Which includes some other literary devices.  But the main motif  is- it uses the elements which are in not real world.  There are some other types also. Like,  fantasy,  science fiction,  horror,  utopian,  dystopian,  alternate history,  apocalyptic,  super hero,  and supernatural. 
          The novel Harry Potter completely fits in the category of Speculative Literature.  As it Includes elements and beings originating from or inspired by traditional stories, such as mythical creatures(dragonselvesand fairies, for example), magicwitchcraftpotions, etc.

7 Self help culture and Harry Potter : 

       Before we move further in this topic, first we should define what is self help culture...? self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The whole Harry Potter series stands in the category of a self help culture.  Because almost all the events are connected with problem- solving method.  All characters thinks that if they wants to solve a problem then they should be as strong as they can.  Another characteristic is that most of the time person struggles a lot in life and as a repercussion of it he /she always remains in the search of prove themselves.  In Harry Potter we see these all things in 'Harry.' We can compare this story as a from rags to riches. The another great example we can use is every characters have their own personal choices, it is up-to them what they choose. Like,  Harry and Malfoy both represents a significant characters. One is on the side of good,  and one is on the side of evil.  In addition,  there will be no one to help you in crucial situation.  So, one needs to be flexible and brave enough to make his/ her own way.  

8  Christianity and Harry Potter : 

      During whole novel we never find any direct connection of Christianity.  Even we can consider it as an anti- Christian novel. Not even a single character pray to God.  But yes there are some Christmas celebration which may be seen as a sign of Christianity. Apart from these all,  we can say that the whole idea of morality is connected with Christianity. It also satires on the superstitions which prevails in English tradition.    

9 Theme of Love and Death

      The concept of Love and Death remains in the center.  If we look from starting point,  Death of Harry's parents. It shows that because of Harry's safety they dies. In other sense we can say that it is his mother's love/ sacrifice saves him.  There are some other characters also which indicates the theme of love and death. Professor Dumbledore's love for Harry/ students. And also his death,  which seems unavoidable as two chosen person can't live. Harry's love for his friends. Love relationship between Hermione and Ron. Similarly,  another relationship is between Harry and Ginny. 
           One can not under estimate the character of Snape. It was his love leads him towards death.  In conclusion we can say that for the betterment of society one needs do lot of sacrifice, even some time they can be die in that process.  

10 Theme of Choice and Chance : 

    In this novel,  Harry and Malfoy gets same opportunities. But because of their choices , audience remembers them differently.  But yes,  the idea of Choice and Chance strengthen the idea of self help culture.  As it shows the success of a winner. Moreover,  everything is up to the person's choice, almost all gets same opportunities. If person is on the right path then there will be somebody to help. The character of Shape is an example of poor choice making. 
But yes, one should be ready to take risk. 

11 Moral and Philosophical reading :

    Normally,  children's literature has the characteristics of a didactical story.  The ultimate aim is to reflect positive side of human life and negative side as something to banish.  The novel Harry Potter is one of them. There are characters like Dumbledore,  Harry, Ron,  Hermione,  Luna,  Neville and etc, represents the morally correct path. They all have philosophical reasons also to do the things.  In the end we see that character like Malfoy needs to change his morality.  Not only morality but philosophy too. Yes,  for that he needs good philosopher which he lacks. In contrast,  Harry knows this all things quickly.

12 What is your opinion on this : 

       One should learn how to ask a question to an authority.  Because normally power gives selfish information.  They never think about commons.  The another thing is that those who are great like Harry , they always stays away from religion/ or an idea of God.  Many time power makes misuse of that idea for political support.  


                                                            Thank you.

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