Thursday 17 March 2022

On Dartmoor by Neil Grant

        On Dartmoor is  a one act play written by Neil Grant. The play appears to be a crime play, but actually it is a satire on a certain type of idealism with some comic incidents. In addition, play portrays the political conflicts between Europe and Russia. 

Setting Of The Play : 

              The setting of a story / play is important because it provides the reader with context on the time, place, and environment that the story takes place in. 

          The play takes place in a room of a bungalow on Dartmoor. Which is owned by two young girl friends, Muriel and Leonora. The room looks artistically furnished in a modernist way. It is apparent that both girls come from a well-to-do family. There are two doors in the house and windows on each side of the center door, with a telephone lying on table to the right of the centre door. 

Main Characters in the Play : 

( Both Girls consider themselves as an 'Integral Anarchists.') ( Anarchy : Click On it ) 

  • Muriel Armstrong : She is a young, pretty and the athletic type between the two. She has written a book about  " 'orros o' prison life. " ( Horros of prison life.)  
  • Leonora Ashley : Alike her friend, she is also a pretty young looking girl. 
  • Bill Syme : He pretends to be an escaped prisoner. And succeeds in his intentions by playing emotional tricks over these both ladies. But in reality,  he is a crooked, clever thief. He is inept at English. ( May be intentionally )   (Class Conflicts)   
  • Albert Read / Sergeant Read : A handsome looking young fellow in mackintosh and soft hat. He is the one who calls these girls to make  inquiry about the escaped prisoner. He is impudent and rude in his tone. ( Criticizing Police System / Government / Authority / Institutions ) At the end of the play, he disguises as police officer and interrogate the girls. Later on ransacks the room with his partner Bill Syme.
  • Fred Lee : A timid, elderly, feeble-looking man in prison dress, half dazed with fright and fatigue.  He is the real escaped prisoner. Who ask the girls to safeguard him from police. But they jumps on him, overpowers him, hurls him to ground, almost suffocates him with cushion, and binds him brutally with scarf. He pleads for help. But both girls pound him as if he is a devil. 
  • Two Servants 
( These characters never appear onto the stage. Whatever is said about them is how rich ladies treat their maid servants. The treatment of a maid is more like an object rather than a human being. May be these rich ladies have prejudices against these maid servants. Both Muriel and Leonora sounds arrogant when they talk about maid servants.)  
  1.  Jane : A Housemaid, she has no views on any objects except pictures and boys.  But who suffers from incipient hysteria. 
  2. Cook : She loves a gossip. A narrow minded woman, who reads The Morning Post. 
  • Jackson : A Warder. 
  • Joe Ridley : When Bill Syme narrates his story to Leonora and Muriel, Bill Syme mentions Joe Ridley as his prison mate. 
An Outline of the play : 

               When the play opens, Muriel is informed by the police about the escape of a criminal with instruction to inform them if the prisoner came that way. Whole event leads to an engaging talk between the two friends. Where we become familiar with their lifestyle and etc. Which is quite fastidious if we say so. In addition what happens subsequently seems quite natural to us. 
                  As the play moves further, the escaped prisoner enters their home. They, Muriel and Leonora, provide shelter to him.
 ( Escaped Prisoner / Bill Syme / A thief   ) Not only that they treat him as if he is a guest. Now they all seem happy. This is where we feel that the girls lack the knowledge of a real world. They are driven by the fake appraisal and sentiments used by the escaped prisoner. In their excitement, and in their ignorance of the real world, they fail to realize that the escaped prisoner is a crook.                
         At the initial part of the play, we observe that the both girls appear to be intellectual and smart.  But what we see next is totally opposite of it. In a way at some point of time, Bill Syme looks more intellectual than the both girls. It means both ladies are suffering from 'Idealism.' The escaped prisoner, Bill Syme, knows how to judge a person. The both girls, serve drink and food to him. Meanwhile Bill Syme narrates his past story to both of them. And provides the reason behind his punishment by telling the brutality of Police. ( This is where he succeeds in his cruel aim as the both girls consider themselves as an Integral Anarchists, it means they hate all types of rules and regulations. ( They feel that their should not be anyone to rule over them.) While citing the reason behind his crime  he says that " I caught her with that feller " ( What he is trying to say is that his wife had an affair with somebody else. ) That's why he killed her with a Hammer. Even Bill Syme provides the name of a judge. Who is the grandfather of Leonora. They all critically abuse the judge and consider him as a  barbarian and sadist. In addition, Bill Syme feels that it is better to live in France or Italy. (As per both ladies, the crime is a primitive act ! ) 

             What we see now is the escaped prisoner ask the both girls whether there is anyone at home or not. But fortunately there's no one at present. He gets money from the both girls ( They consider themselves as if they are expiators ! ) as he is wishing to go Plymouth. Which is his future escape plan. The escaped prisoner /Bill Syme praises Russia. In a way that's what the both girls were waiting to hear. Meantime, both ladies ask Bill  to change his convict dress and provide the old suit of her grandfather. 

          What happens next is they all are laughing heartily but suddenly they hear the noise of car outside. Bill Syme is frightenned now. ( Pretends ! ) The both girls hide him upstairs, remove the footprints and wipe everything. Leonora pretends to be reading on something. They sit down in their old positions. Even Muriel considers PM's speech as a rotten speech. ( As per the newspaper she is reading, PM has commented upon women's clothes !  ) Not only that she criticises England's poor performance in Ashes Tournament. ( Cricket Match between England and Australia) Here writer is criticizing the idle/ leisure people as they have nothing important to do. But they remain ready to suggest solutions for each problems. But the solution for a problem should be practical.  Which they can't provide. Which seems more clear when Leonora wishes to live in Kensington - a posh area in central London.  Which is famous for its over sophisticated, royal luxurious lifestyle. 

             While moving towards the end of the play,  suddenly somebody knocks at the door. Who introduces himself as detective Albert Read. (Sergeant Read). He is the man who had telephoned the girls. As soon as he enters in their house, he starts interrogating the both girls. Where we can sense that he already knows about their backgrounds. While answering detective, Leonora sounds polite in her manners whereas Muriel tries  to be aristocrat / authoritative in her tone. As he makes inquiry  further,  he goes upstairs and joins  his partner  Bill Syme there  to ransack the house. The both girls think that Sergeant is looking for the escaped prisoner. Whereas the both fellows escape after stealing jewellery and etc,. At this point the both girls realized that they have been tricked by a couple of crooks. They feel regret about their past behavior. They used to believe that with their Idealism, they can change the world. Which fails at the end of the play. What happens next in the play is the both  girls are crying and at the same time again somebody knocks at the door - a real convict / escaped prisoner. Who introduces himself as Fred Lee.  Who pleads for help and shelter but both ladies (Agitated)  start beating him in despair and frustration. The convict keeps pleading for help. Nobody comes. Moreover, they ignore the escaped prisoner and Muriel pounds him and binds him. While Leonora rushes to call police. 


Major Themes of the Play   : 

  • Fake Idealism 
  • Political Conflict between Europe and Russia 
  • Anarchism 
  • Representation of Police System 
  • Class Conflict 
  • Over Fastidious Nature 
  • Ignorance of a real world 
  • Behavior towards sycophants 
  • Who is more knowledgeable : The girls or crooks 
  • How an officious look plays vital role
  • Impractical Idealism 
  • Problems of idle rich 
  • Grief of commons 
  • Satire on aristocrats 
  • The barbaric nature of civilized 
  • The representation of human beings as sadists
Questions : 

1- State the theme of the play. 
2- Bring out the satire in the play. 
3- Do you find anything farcical in the play?  If so, point out and show its farcical nature. 
4- Describe the trick played upon the two ladies by the two thieves.