Sunday 20 March 2022

Tell It Not In Gath by Joe Corrie



                The play, Tell It Not In Gath is written by Joe Corrie. Joe Corrie was a Scottish miner, poet and playwright. Most of his works are radical in its nature. The poor situation of working class people is often seen in his works. 

                  Tell It Not In Gath is an irony on the tinsel nature of bourgeois values. The play tries to unveil the hypocritical facade of moral superiority adopted by the pillars of society. - ( The Human Person, Sexuality & Family, Politics & Law, Education & Culture, and Business & Economics. )    All characters in the play act as per their personal, selfish  interests. The another distressing thing the play shows is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Not only that the play pin points the society's reaction against evils and the disheartening thing is it doesn't remain evil if it is done by the rich. 

Setting of The Play :  

            The scene starts in the sitting - room of the rectory at Little Padley. It is a large room. The furniture is not in a good condition. The fireplace is in the right wall hence the atmosphere feels warm. There are many chairs in the room. Against the right wall is a bookcase.  On the wall at the back are pictures of the parents of the Reverend Arthur Welsey. His father is depicted as a clergy, his mother can be seen as if lived her whole life as a victim of the poor situation caused by the church life. 

            Here one thing gets clear that Arthur Welsey has got priesthood as a family inheritance. Furthermore, the situation of Marjory is quite same as of Arthur Welsey 's mother. 

Main Characters in the Play :  

The Reverend Arthur Welsey

            He is a sixty year old priest. Who seems unhappy and discontented throughout the play. Usually behaves like a hero of the play. His job is to preach people.

Marjory / Mrs. Welsey : 

                   She is the wife of Arthur Welsey. She is some years younger than her husband. Normally we find her knitting.  When the couple argues, she says that she is not happy. Throughout the play she questions her husband regarding his profession. As it is leading them nowhere. Rather they dwell into poverty. At the end of the play she reveals that she had put money in betting and as a result of it she wins twenty thousand pounds for a shilling only. This act of her shows that she is more practical than her husband. 

Miss Oliver : 

             She is a member of the community council. A slim spinster of thirty five wearing a home made woolen dress.  

Miss Crundle : 

              A member of the community council. She looks stouter and ruddier. She has dressed in a tweed costume, collar tie and brogue shoes. Marden warns her about her profiteering Red Hotel Lion business. Before she joins the meeting, she was expected to attend the badminton tournament. 

Joseph Devinish : 

         He is a dapper little man of fifty five. Who joins the meeting with other community members. He is wearing a wing collar and bow tie with his smart suit. He sings in the choir and at local concerts. When meeting ends up being a chaos he says that it would have better to do choir practice. Marden considers him as a dishonest guy. 

Sam Marden : 

                    He seems the antagonist of the play. He is dressed in heavy clothes, with a stout gold watch chain. His trousers are rather baggy, his boots heavy. He is a grocer by profession but might be taken for a farmer. He has an air of being the most important person in the room. Moreover, he argues with Arthur upon who will lodge a case against gamblers. He sounds arrogant and threatening in his tone and nature. Furthermore, his nature becomes more cruel towards the ending of the play when Marjory, mistakenly informs him that he has won twenty thousand pounds on a football coupon things. Where he openly says that one can't do anything to a rich guy. Even he tries to bribe other community members. 

General Summary of the play : 

                   The play opens with the introduction of  Arthur and his wife Marjory. Arthur is reading a book and Marjory is busy doing knitting. They both are not happy in their lives. Arthur is somehow failed to reach for spiritual growth. He feels that he is failing as a preacher of the church. Whereas his wife Marjory, she feels that because of church life, they are not 'Free.' 

          Meanwhile, what happens next is Arthur and other community members have arranged a meeting at rectory. Which upsets Marjory. Which leads both couple to a verbal fight. Somehow meeting takes place. Where all the members try to suggest the solutions to prevent gambling done by the new setteled coal miners. They think that they have contaminated the village with evilness. Everyone thinks to file a police case against them. But the question arises of who will suit the case. As all have their own reputation and businesses connected with the coal miners. It means if they file a case against these miners they won't be the part of this prosperity which these community members possess. This whole incident leads to a heated debate between Arthur and Marden. This is the time where Marden says that whatever he has it is because of these coal miners. So he withdraws himself from lodging the case against these miners. This whole argument reveals the hypocrisy of all. Not only that they all seem  cruel and dishonest. 

            As play moves further, Marjory enters with excitement. She informs that Mr. Marden has won twenty thousand pounds on a football coupon things. ( Actually she herself has won the money but she misunderstood the conversation with the  Old John Sexton.) Marden is in shock as he caught red handed in front of all the members. However,  his behavior charges as he is now a rich guy. 

       At the end they all plan to leave now. Again Marjory appears,  she informs her husband that actually Mr. Marden doesn't get a  penny as the football coupon was of somebody else. Arthur seems disappointed with mankind and angry too.  This is where Marjory reveals her secret and informs her husband about the money she has won. 

       Undoubtedly Marjory convinces her husband and we can see a smile on her husband's face. Here the question arises of will they tell this to Gath....!  ? 


Major Themes of the Play : 

  • Public life and Private life 
  • Situation of a married Woman
  • Morality and Practicality 
  • Role of commons in the economic growth 
  • Money Driven world 
  • Faith vs Practicality 
  • Secular life and Spiritual life 
  • Bourgeois Values 
  • Who's more evil ? Common people or Rich People 
  •  ( Coal Miners or Community Members)  
Questions : 

1 Discuss the title of the play. Is it appropriate? 
2 Write a note on the themes of the play.
3 Money is a dominant motive in human affairs. Prove it. 
4 Write a  character sketch of Arthur Wesley. 
5 Who is the most honest character in the play according to you?  Give reasons for your answers. 
6. If you are given the chance to develop this play further, what scenes will you add?