Saturday 21 July 2018

Rangoli Competition - 2018

# Participated in Rangoli Competition
# Organized by - Art and Creativity  Committee
# At Department of English, MKBU.
# Topic - Guru Purnima 
# As a group - Vipul, Ravji, Sagar 
          According to me everyone has a quality of art. If you have not given any topic than it becomes more easier for the contestants but this time they have given one topic and we have to make Rangoli according to it.  After pondering over the topic we just went with this Rangoli and we have tried to not take help of artificial colors. And also we have not follow the traditional way of making the Rangoli. 

# Theme :
   •  Teacher  / Guru -  Who cultivates the habit of scientific temper in students. As in the Rangoli  we have tried to show the process of full moon.
    •  Teacher gives the freedom of using the technology. But also teaches the difference between freedom and dissipation. So in Rangoli we have tried to show the What's App ,FB, Blogger, Google Plus and teacher connects this all apps with the edutainment. 
  • Teacher must should be healthy from mind. So you can see the hands of teacher in the position of gyan mudra.
    •   According to this teacher if you come  up with the questions than it will be considered as a present.  So you can see the hands which are rendering the questions. 
     •    If you walks on the given path of Guru than initially it might be full of thrones but later on it will lead you towards the success and happiness. That you can see in the Rangoli where one path is divided into hardness with the help of thrones and softness through the beautiful flowers. 

         At the end it was a great experience for me. Because in a way it cultivates our thinking ability.  And one more thing is that to make one Rangoli you requires new thinking and fortitude which helps us in achieving goals. 

                                                   Thank you...