Friday 9 November 2018

Guest lecture by Prof. Balaji Ranganathan

       During 14-16 September, 2018, we had three days guest lecture of Dr. Balaji Ranganathan at Department of English, MKBU. In these three days he dealt with the paper of Postcolonialism. Right now he serves as a Ph.d guide in CUG. To get more details related to him click here.... 

      First he discussed about BLACK SKIN WHITE MASK.  In which he tried to give well explanation of all eight chapters including the conclusion of Frantz Fanon. Meanwhile we came to know about his historical knowledge. Furthermore he talked about how white has fear of black, black craves to be white, language of white and black, desire never sees color and etc. 
        Secondly he talked about ORIENTALISM. How western countries sees middle east, how popular culture represents middle east, history of Palestine, and etc. In short we can say that they all presents things by their preconceived notion. 

          After that he explored his views on A TEMPEST and THE TEMPEST.  How A Tempest is different from The Tempest,  how Shakespeare's work helped in Postcolonial studies,  how Aime Cesaire's re-writing leads the attention of scholars and   Albert Camus Rebel with the character calls Caliban. 
         Furthermore he talked about IMAGINARY HOMELANDS. In that he threw more light on diaspora,  ideas of nation and state, how people a like Rushdie has to suffer and much more. 

Teaching style : 

     It was a great experience to study under his guidance. His knowledge over each subject, fluent English,  frank personality is noticeable things. At last he gave some important information about the preparation for GSET/NET. Where he introduced new method of cracking the exams. And yes, honestly our lack of reading made him little bit concerned because one need original reading to crack these types of major exams. But yes he invited or we can say insisted us to study further. In a nutshell I would like to thanks Dr.  Dilip Barad Sir for arranging these kinds of guest lectures. 
                                    Thank you... 


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