Saturday 10 November 2018

Youth Festival 2018 : Aishvaryam

         During 26-28 October,2018, we had Youth Festival in MKBU. Which was hosted by the Takshashila College. Time and again these kinds of academic functions must should be organized. Because it is the stage which helps in displaying the hidden talents. And most of the students take these opportunities as a career changing. In a way these all things influenced a lot in future. 

    In these three days our task was to observed all the things from various approaches. 

   In these three days I have attended total three main events, like Mono Acting, One act play and On the spot Painting. 

  •  Mono Acting : In mono acting I have watched  three performance. Which was mainly based on the theme of women struggle in male dominant society. The second performance was quite good because it was reminded me the theory of Feminism. And Third one was excellent too,  in which she performed the role of lady hawker. How to be self dependent and  how to live the life on our own that was the theme of that performance. She acted very well by using the appropriate language and jesture. 

 • One Act play :  Now a days we sees in cinemas that acting is taking the place of action. So it means acting is becoming difficult for the actors. But in Youth Festival they all performed their role very well. I have watched total three plays. First was "Bhrigu Samhita." Mainly all plays were representing the theme of tragedy. In that I find the theme element of catharsis and hamartia. Second one was " Sikkani triji baju " Which was performed by my Department. ( Dept.of English ) Which was based on Third gender issues. It was a satire on society. How society becomes the reason of sorrow. The third one was " Papan Vachche Dariyo." That was based on a domestic violence. 

  • On the spot Painting : I was also the participants of this event.  The subjects of painting were " Indian Festivals" , " Market"
and " Lokmelo." Most of the painting were based on current issues. Some of the rangolis were very good. 

     On the last day I have also attended the closing ceremony. It was a winning hat trick by the SSCCM.  So overall it was great experience to be there. 
      In the last I would like to say that however " Australia was good but their dominance also came to it's end. We can hope that New Countries will change the era as India has changed the era. "

   Thank you .. 

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