Friday 9 November 2018

Shashi Tharoor's views : For reparation from British Raj

      Here we can see the backlash from Shashi Tharoor. Because Britishers considers them selves as a civilized person. But they forgot that what they have done in past for their selfish motives. In the reply Shashi Tharoor asks British youth that have you studied the real history or a power centric.. ? 

1-  Ruined the business of  textiles : 
     By giving the example of textiles Tharoor tries to underline an issue. Britishers have cutted the thumbs of the workers. And they just taken all the things with lower amount. 

2-  Brutality by Britishers : 

      For their selfish motives they have used the violence to kill people.  Even they looted poor harshly and as a result of it many people died because of starvation. 

3- Facilities for themselves : 

    So many time we hears the question that during colonial period britishers established so many new things in India. Like  roads, railways, schools and etc. But all these things were for their comfort. 

      Thus ,we can say that Tharoor's arguments makes good sense regarding the reparation. Because India was reach before the arrival of British. And without the Britishers India can progress. 

                                                     Thank you... 

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