Monday 18 March 2019

Harry Potter : Web Quest Activity

             Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K.  Rowling. After an enlightened discussion on the novels/ movies, it is up-to the students to show their learning. For further details related to the task click here... 

                 Many time we question about Children Literature. But it has so many hidden points to tell. As we have studied various approaches/ theories, that we can put into practice through these series of novels. These are the some points which we can discuss in this series.

1 Feminist reading of Hermione's character in Harry Potter.  

    The character of Hermione Granger is very well captured in the novel through feminist angle. She plays passive and active role throughout the novel.  As she represents the group of Witch - Here, the meaning of the word 'Witch' gives derogatory meaning compared to Wizard. There are so many scenes which shows the intellectual side of her. ( Compared to Harry and Ron ) However she represents lower status, most of the time she rescues Harry.  It means she represents caring nature, which is highly problematic from feminist angle.  She has all girlishness - emotional,  jealousy, envy and etc.  Which lacks in the characters of Harry and Ron.

2 Discourse on the purity of blood and Harry Potter. 

       In a whole novel we find an identity crisis of the lower.  They all suffers from inside pain.  The concept of pure blood remains present during whole novel. Characters like,  Malfoy,  Snape, Umbridge constantly abuses half blood or rather we can say to mudblood.  The character of Hermione represents Muggle Blood, Harry categorized as a half blood. Where's the character of Malfoy indicates pure blood.  
         This whole concept prevails even today in society too. But here it is in the forms of casteism and  racism. It is the fear of loosing power irritates them. ( To  "Pure Blood ") Which turns into a violence. That's what we see in the character of Malfoy, who has a fear of Harry and Hermione. However,  we can't deny that Malfoy needs proper nourishment and atmosphere to overcome from these types of ill mindset.  Nonetheless,  politics also plays negative role in driving the emotions of people.  

3 Confronting reality by reading fantasy :

     Through this technique( Fantasy) of narration writer satires on the society.  It has not  a fantasy elements only. But it includes human behavior in depth.  Like, Birth and Death, Love and Hatred, Good and Evil.  There are almost all the character portrayed as a coin,  which has both sides good as well as bad.  From the beginning of the novel we see Harry's Parents as dying, Harry as a chosen one, Harry feels loneliness, mistreated by his uncle and aunt. Which shows the nature of them. Which is completely different from his parents. Moreover,  the character of Hermione and Ron have bitter sweet relationship. Where's Harry and Ginny has quite mature relationship.  Which shows their collaboration and understanding. Dumbledore teaches morality where's Umbridge has evil qualities as a master.  There are other examples which shows reality also. There are people who constantly keep fighting with their own self. Like,  Voldemort,  Snape. Thus,  we can say that all the characters represents real life.  

4 The discourse of power and politics in Harry Potter : 

    The whole education system is an example of power and politics.  We can see those who knows more magic they are on superiority where's those who don't know, they are at lower level.  There are some professors like Snape who makes discrimination in students.  Who creates others to be on a power position . After passing time we find that Umbridge becomes the main master of the school / Hogwarts.  Who changes all the rules. Even media and news paper are in her/ power's control.  So,  we can see how power dynamic works in society. 
5 Children's Literature and Harry Potter : 

     Most of the time we avoid Children's literature as it has so many fantastic elements. But it has so many hidden points for adults too. There are some children literature which is difficult to understand for children and adults. Harry Potter is one of it. Though, it is very important in cultivating imagination power.  Children can learn beyond the limitations.  
         "Children's Literature studies has traditionally treated comics fitfully and superficially despite the importance of comics as a global phenomenon associated with children" ( Wikipedia)  This definition is quite right.  In Harry Potter,  we find magical elements, growing children, fantastic elements, behavior of children,  likes and dislikes of children, animals as a friends and foes and at last moral lessons.  So these all inventive ideas we can see in this novel.  There are some other stuff like wand, idea of reward,  tasks,  games,  victory and defeat, which strengthen the idea of children's literature.  

6 Speculative Literature and Harry Potter :

       The Speculative literature is a kind of an umbrella term. Which includes some other literary devices.  But the main motif  is- it uses the elements which are in not real world.  There are some other types also. Like,  fantasy,  science fiction,  horror,  utopian,  dystopian,  alternate history,  apocalyptic,  super hero,  and supernatural. 
          The novel Harry Potter completely fits in the category of Speculative Literature.  As it Includes elements and beings originating from or inspired by traditional stories, such as mythical creatures(dragonselvesand fairies, for example), magicwitchcraftpotions, etc.

7 Self help culture and Harry Potter : 

       Before we move further in this topic, first we should define what is self help culture...? self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The whole Harry Potter series stands in the category of a self help culture.  Because almost all the events are connected with problem- solving method.  All characters thinks that if they wants to solve a problem then they should be as strong as they can.  Another characteristic is that most of the time person struggles a lot in life and as a repercussion of it he /she always remains in the search of prove themselves.  In Harry Potter we see these all things in 'Harry.' We can compare this story as a from rags to riches. The another great example we can use is every characters have their own personal choices, it is up-to them what they choose. Like,  Harry and Malfoy both represents a significant characters. One is on the side of good,  and one is on the side of evil.  In addition,  there will be no one to help you in crucial situation.  So, one needs to be flexible and brave enough to make his/ her own way.  

8  Christianity and Harry Potter : 

      During whole novel we never find any direct connection of Christianity.  Even we can consider it as an anti- Christian novel. Not even a single character pray to God.  But yes there are some Christmas celebration which may be seen as a sign of Christianity. Apart from these all,  we can say that the whole idea of morality is connected with Christianity. It also satires on the superstitions which prevails in English tradition.    

9 Theme of Love and Death

      The concept of Love and Death remains in the center.  If we look from starting point,  Death of Harry's parents. It shows that because of Harry's safety they dies. In other sense we can say that it is his mother's love/ sacrifice saves him.  There are some other characters also which indicates the theme of love and death. Professor Dumbledore's love for Harry/ students. And also his death,  which seems unavoidable as two chosen person can't live. Harry's love for his friends. Love relationship between Hermione and Ron. Similarly,  another relationship is between Harry and Ginny. 
           One can not under estimate the character of Snape. It was his love leads him towards death.  In conclusion we can say that for the betterment of society one needs do lot of sacrifice, even some time they can be die in that process.  

10 Theme of Choice and Chance : 

    In this novel,  Harry and Malfoy gets same opportunities. But because of their choices , audience remembers them differently.  But yes,  the idea of Choice and Chance strengthen the idea of self help culture.  As it shows the success of a winner. Moreover,  everything is up to the person's choice, almost all gets same opportunities. If person is on the right path then there will be somebody to help. The character of Shape is an example of poor choice making. 
But yes, one should be ready to take risk. 

11 Moral and Philosophical reading :

    Normally,  children's literature has the characteristics of a didactical story.  The ultimate aim is to reflect positive side of human life and negative side as something to banish.  The novel Harry Potter is one of them. There are characters like Dumbledore,  Harry, Ron,  Hermione,  Luna,  Neville and etc, represents the morally correct path. They all have philosophical reasons also to do the things.  In the end we see that character like Malfoy needs to change his morality.  Not only morality but philosophy too. Yes,  for that he needs good philosopher which he lacks. In contrast,  Harry knows this all things quickly.

12 What is your opinion on this : 

       One should learn how to ask a question to an authority.  Because normally power gives selfish information.  They never think about commons.  The another thing is that those who are great like Harry , they always stays away from religion/ or an idea of God.  Many time power makes misuse of that idea for political support.  


                                                            Thank you.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Feature Writing

          In today's time people's interest decreased in writing.  But it has a great significant in propelling the ideas in much better way. After discussing on Journalism,  one should think further about Feature Writing.  To cultivate interest / innovations in writing, students got this task.  For further details related to the task click  here...

• What is a Feature Writing ?   
   It is a creative Journalism.  Which has inventive and compelling way of describing  the story.   It deals with a subject in greater depth. The main purpose of a feature writing is to explore or discuss a particular topic of interest. We can say it is kind of soft news which contrasts with straight news reporting.

• Characteristics of a Feature Writing : 
  Most of the stories combine facts and opinions. It has a quality of educating and entertaining. They can include colorful details as well as humours.

• Types of Feature : 

• A Feature story : 
  Is not about the news. It is a human interest story.  These stories are all about the details,  and they allow a writer to get creative.
     Such stories should have a powerful hook and compelling details to keep the reader's interest,  and they should end with powerful conclusions.

• Example : 

चुनावी वायदे

"हम आएगे तो फ्री वाई-फाई लाएंगे"
‘अगर हम जीते तो बेरोजगारी भत्ता दो हजार रुपये होगा।”
“किसानों को बिजली मुफ्त, पानी मुफ्त।”
“बूढ़ों की पेंशन डबल”
जब भी चुनाव आते हैं तो ऐसे नारों से दीवारें रंग दी जाती हैं।अखबार हो, टी०वी० हो, रेडियो हो या अन्य कोई साधन, हर जगह मतदाताओं को अपनी तरफ खींचने के लिए चुनावी वायदे किए जाते हैं।भारत एक लोकतांत्रिक देश है।यहाँ हर पाँच वर्ष बाद चुनाव होते हैं तथा सरकार चुनने का कार्य संपन्न किया जाता है।चुनावी बिगुल बजते ही हर राजनीतिक दल अपनी नीतियों की घोषणा करता है।वह जनता को अनेक लोकलुभावने नारे देता है।जगह-जगह रैलियाँ की जाती हैं।भाड़े की भीड़ से जनता को दिखाया जाता है कि उनके साथ जनसमर्थन बहुत ज्यादा है।उन्हें अपने-अपने क्षेत्र की समस्याओं का पता होता है।चुनाव-प्रचार के दौरान वे इन्हीं समस्याओं को मुद्दा बनाते हैं तथा सत्ता में आने के बाद इन्हें सुलझाने का वायदा करते हैं।चुनाव होने के बाद नेताओं को न जनता की याद आती है और न ही अपने वायदे की, फिर वे अपने कल्याण में जुट जाते हैं।वस्तुत: चुनावी वायदे कागज के फूलों के समान हैं जो कभी खुशबू नहीं देते।ये केवल चुनाव जीतने के लिए किए जाते हैं।इनका वास्तविकता से कोई संबंध नहीं होता।अत: जनता को नेताओं के वायदों पर यकीन नहीं करना चाहिए तथा विवेक तथा देशहित के मद्देनजर अपने मत का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।

                                               Thank you

Rivers and Tides : Andy Goldsworthy - Working with Time

# Screening of a documentary film : River and Tides  ( At : Department of English,  MKBU.)
# Directed by : Thomas Reidelsheimer
# Based on : Andy Goldsworthy - A British Sculptor. (Creates sculptures from natural materials.)

       " Art for me is a form of nourishment." 

    It is a wonderful documentary to watch. Which has a quality of Art.  Goldsworthy uses the stones,  twigs,  leaves,  plant stalks, clay, ice,  snow and etc in his sculptures. Most importantly he defines every art with philosophical approach. He explores the energy that is running through the landscape.

     " The Very thing that brought it to life,  will bring about its death. "  His art shows the meaning of 'Time'. The exact idea of Time. How time creates so many things which common can't observe. These all sculptures has the spiritual insight.

      He creates an Igloo out of driftwood collected from the beach.  When the tide comes in,  The wooden structure begins to float and then drift to the sea in a slow swirl.  But Goldsworth is not attached to his art : " It feels as if it's been taken off into another plane,  another world... It doesn't feel at all destruction. " It shows Art as a dying form. He thinks that the real art is merges into its own place. According to him all art is created by Nature and he has not any right to keep it as a treasure. Like Wind shifts and piece collapses.

       He talks about the impact of Sheep on the Scottish landscape, A chain of green leaves,  And red ore stones.

         Apart from these all things,  it has a great cinematography and music. Which one should take into consideration.

                                                     Thank you 

Saturday 16 March 2019

Academic Tour : At Junagadh


   'Interaction for innovations and ideas.'

  Yesterday,  We had  an amazing interaction with the students and teachers of the Dept. Of English, #BKNMU. Mainly, English faculty teachers discussed about their roles at the University. Dr. Chetan Trivedi Sir shared some of the glimpses of his journey of becoming the Vice Chancellor and motivated the students for a 'sustainability.' From our Department Dilip Barad Sir also shared his views on 'Future Research Prospects' in Digital Humanities.

    In addition, hospitable students of the Dept. Of English, BKNMU., had  presented their activities regarding  the Dept. Like, expansion of knowledge, Uses of Technology,  Singing,  Drama,  Mimicry,  Poetry recitation and etc. Same way from our Dept.,  Mr. Ndoricimpa Clement (A research scholar) had  presented his views on an 'Academic Writing.',  Ramiz Solanki and Hema D. Goswami introduced our edutainment type activities, Nirali Dungrani and  @ Hetal Chauhan had also sung  beautiful song. In this way,  it was a quite informative and enthusiastic session to attend.

    At last I would like to thanks the faculties of Dept. Of English,  #BKNMU., for inviting us and also for a Food too.  Thanks to Dilip Barad Sir, who negotiated with them.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Thinking Activity : The Sense of an Ending

             Earlier in the day it was proved that, reading an original text manifolds numerous stuff in the mind of a reader.  Which you can't get by reading just a summary. Accordingly there are such a books which one should read,  And 'The Sense of an Ending' is one of it.  After a succeeding discussion on the novel it becomes mandatory for the students to show the ' Sense'. For detailed information related to the task click here... 

• How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel ?

     The concept of memory and history remains significant in whole novel.  After reading about memory and history we can say that it helps in widening the horizon of mind.  Because after reading,  we can say that an accumulation of a memory can be wrong. We remember only those moments which we like. By passing the time it gets darker.  We narrate constructed memory only and as a consequence of it, it creates unreliable history.  Sometimes we may take benefits of defeated( Who is not present)  in describing the history. It can be said that whatever person narrates,  truth may be some where near but role of characters might be different.
          In addition to it,  we can take the quote of Michiko Kakutani.  " The Sense of an Ending " looks at the ways in which people distort or tailor the past in an effort to mythologize their own lives. 

   This quote gives an important aspect to look at the history. What we can say is that if person has not good relationship with others then he/she will try to distort the history. ( But in future he/she might feel remorse also)    But if person describes his own history then he/she try to tailor the history. ( Because, inadequacies of documentation )  So,  at the end we can say is that what one tells about himself can't be true. One needs to go to check history of the historians. ( That can be wrong also )

    Thus, we can say that what Adrian says is quite true... History is that certainly produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation. 

• How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet,  20th century Existentialist philosophy and this 21st century novel The Sense of an Ending ? 

      During our whole life we find so many characters in literature (and also in real life)  who commits suicide.  In the case of 'Hamlet' we can say that because of the moral concern he doesn't commit suicide. ( But it can be possible that 'Hamlet' has still desire for a throne ) 
         When we see from existentialist angle,  suddenly, we can recall Albert Camus.  Who explains the idea of philosophical suicide.  Means one who commits suicide they tries to escape from the responsibilities. One should grapple with the struggle in total absence of hope.  So,  Existentialist sees suicide as an act of a looser.  
            After reading The Sense of an Ending, we get different notion related to suicide.  It breaks the idea of morality. ( which is constructed by social norms)   We can say that both characters ( Robson, Adrian) suicides by their own. ( We doesn't get proper idea about their suicides. Because everything is represented by Victorious)  It seems that after living/ enjoying / Experiencing  such a life,  they thinks that they have lived their lives,  they played their role wholeheartedly and now they don't want to live furthermore. (Eros and Thanatos) ( There are such a films which shows that types of characters.  In  Ramayana also we find Rama Who drowns himself in the river. Where's Sita asks Mother Earth to take herself in her arms. And the daughter of Earth merges into her mother.

                                                Thank you... 

Saturday 2 March 2019

Thinking Activity : The Da Vinci Code

            ' The Da Vinci Code' represents truth related to the Holy Grail. In addition it shows symbolism used in the novel.  Which in a way helps students to cultivate critical power.  Similarly,  we got thinking activity, for further details related to the task click here... 

  1 - Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."


      It seems that Brown tries to put himself in the category of a pagan. But we can't deny that what he represents is quite true.  Yes,  there are so many elements which portrays his novels as An anti - Christian. As per my personal view what Brown represents is very much needed.  Because as ' Religion' it self is a problematic thing to think.  Because to live such a life we doesn't need any religion. We can live spiritual life without any suppression.  But before that again one question arises in our mind that : What is spiritual...!? So, our ideas related to faith gets broken.  Ultimately we can say that what religion gives you is not quite true.  

2 -  “Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on[1].” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

    Obviously yes,  Almost most of the elements are true and accurate. To create some effects, intrigue becomes necessary. Which makes this novel more interesting. Same way Akiva Goldsman plays his role wisely by screenwriting. This thing we can find through the mysterious elements.  Moreover,    they have shown factual information related to Mary Magdalene and Holy Grail.  

3 - You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

        Yes,  in Genesis larger narrative gives wrong judgements. When we see from  gender discourse, it has so many loose tone.  There are so many examples like,  Eve's birth, the fall of men is because of the women and mainly the whole concept of God and etc. These all ideas fail in larger context or rather we can say in this scientific world. In The Paradise Lost Milton narrates the ideas are more convincing. We find Adam and eve has more power, they both remains in the center. Where's God stands on the periphery. When we read The Da Vinci code that time we find wrong representation of the painting, relationship between Jesus and Mary, and much more. As we have seen that reality and science has more power to convince the reader. So,  in conclusion we can say that What Milton represents is quite true.

4 - What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?

    Many time person accepts literary narration as a fact.  Which creates problem in living. Similarly, so many new things is being portrayed in the Paradise Lost and in The Da Vinci Code. In the characters of The Paradise Lost,  we find more positive interpretation.  Adam and Eve have a more power, how God is partial, character of Satan and etc.  Most of the narrative is human centric,  which provides human to think independently. Same way in The Da Vinci code,  we see representation of Jesus, his marital life,  his family background,  and etc.  When reader reads this kind of work they assumes that it is the right representation of Jesus.  But they fails in assuming that it is a literary work. So,  we can say that it has both pros and cons on human life.

5 - What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland Joffé's The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code? How would justify your answer?

       It is a vital question to think on it.  Because, representation of women in literary works tells so many hidden points. The character of Ophelia is ruled by male dominant society. Like she can't do anything without the permission of her father and brother. In her relationship with Hamlet also she is shown as just a tool. The representation of the character Elizabeth is also the same as Ophelia.  Most of the time she remains inferior in the whole story.  She is portrayed as a girl who always thinks about marriage life. Hester has some good qualities as she rebels against the society but there are so many intimate scenes,  which shows how women's body becomes more serious than her mind.  Compared to these all above character she is more intelligent,  but she is shown as an emotional, jealous,  which indicates women identity. But when we see the character of Sophie Neuve,  she represents more intellectual things,  even not a single time we find her as a male gazing.  She is portrayed as a rational thinker,  who always remains in the search of knowledge.  Thus,  we can see the difference in women characters. 

6/7  - Do novel / film lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about your religion? Can we think of such conspiracy theory about Hindu religious symbols / myths? Have you come across any similar book/movie, which tries to deconstruct accepted notions about Hindu religion or culture and by dismantling it, attempts to reconstruct another possible interpretation of truth?

    Yes, there are so many books which tries to show what is religion.  And we can't deny that it helps reader to deconstruct the suppressed notion of religion.  By reading such a literary text we can look into religion from critical angle.  As we all know that the idea of religion is not at all reliable.  It leads people into darkness.  There should be books on the religion,  as how people can be fooled by the name of religion.  In Indian web series called The Sacred Games,  we find clear cut definition of religion. That how religion becomes the tool for separating people.  There are so many scenes which shows that there is nothing like God,  it is kinds of a group who uses religion as their selfish motives.  

8 -  When we do traditional reading of the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology, Harvard University emerges asprotagonist and Sir Leigh Teabing, a British Historian as antagonist. Who will claim the position of protagonist if we do atheist reading of the novel?

     As we all know that historians see the things with a proper evidence. Similarly,  in the Da Vinci Code,  Sir Leigh Teabing remains in the search of an evidence. Who works with scientific temperament and he doesn't believe in any religion,  so we can interpret that what he suggests would be more reliable. Furthermore,  Teabing tries to find real DNA of Jesus and Mary.  So,  we can interpret that he claim the position of protagonist when we look from atheist angle. 

9 - Explain Ann Gray’s three propositions on ‘knowability’ with illustrations from the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
a.       1) Identifying what is knowable 
b.      2) identifying and acknowledging the relationship of the knower and the known
c.      3) What is the procedure for ‘knowing’?

   In the Da Vinci Code,  we can address an idea of Ann Gray. We can apply the concept of 'Knowability.' 

1 - When we look the definition,  we can define that from the symbol of pentacle whole story moves to the end.  So this thing stands in the category of knowable.  
2 - It shows the relationship between the knower and the known. Character of  Teabing knows reality.  As he himself knows the history.  So he becomes success in decoding the things. Characters like,  Langdon and Sophie also stands in it.  
3 - In this concept whole process takes place.  Like,  in the beginning Langdon and Sophie looks everything from various perspective and reaches at the end. 

Friday 1 March 2019

Thinking Activity : One Night at the Call Centre

        After an enlightened discussion on the novel, reflection becomes inevitable. As a result of it we got this thinking activity.  To know more about the related task click here... 

 1 - Does the novel have social realism? If yes,  illustrate. If no,  what did you expect as social realism which is absent here.

Yes,  there are so many references which shows social realism. From the beginning we can say that most of the novels of Chetan Bhagat deals with contemporary youth. Who knows the problem of youth. Youth remains in the center.  When we talk about youth,  it means there must be some elements of love,  frustration,  job and etc. Furthermore it shows work culture of India.  How bossism works.  We find almost all people as being driven by the concept of God. Apart from these all things,  most of the time youth wants to be free from all the chains but family values creates an obstacle. Similarly, how marriage becomes the problem for youth that is very well captured in the novel.

2 - What sort of effect of globalization is found in ON@TCC ? 

   One can't deny that Globalization has not at all any effect on people. There are so many scenes which shows the effects of globalization.  From the starting we find that it has a positive as well as negative effects on life.  If we see the names of character,  Shyam turns into Sam,  Varun turns into Victor and etc.  We find cultural homogenization of workers in call center, exploitation of employees,  language issues,  growing technology,  equality between Men and Women,  Rising anxieties in life. So we can say that it affects a lot.  But one should remember the definition of globalization given by Thomas Friedman : " The world is flat, Globalization is the integration of capital,  technology and information across national borders,  in a way that is creating a single global market and to some degree, a global market."

3 - What do you understand by self-help book.  Is ON@TCC self help book ? Illustrate.  

   From the example of God's call,  we can say that this book stands in the category of self help book.  During God's call,  we find that all the characters looks into their selves.  They asks questions to them selves,  what is happened to them is because of their mistakes.  Now they have to work hard by considering pass mistakes as a learning lessons.  Thus,  we can interpret that  God's call can be put as an inner voice.

4 - Is this novel anti- America?  Illustrate it in context of theme of nationalism.  

 Yes,  we can see direct references of it in the novel.  The character of Vroom criticises American policy.  People thinks that they are the happiest people but it is not so. America is considered as a war mongering country.  Because America fears from others.
' A thirty five year old American's brain and IQ is the same as a ten years old Indian's brain.