Friday 17 November 2017

Post Truth - The word of the year 2016


         An adjective defined as ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’.

           This word " Post Truth "  explained very well in the class. And there are so many examples Of this word in today's time. 

               We feel that whatever is said to us is right but actually there is nothing right in that sentence or word.

            Mostly it is related to the politics. Most of the politicians are using so many examples for their benefits, In a way people also believes in it but if we look in it the things will be totally different. Ultimately whatever is told that is totally wrong. From shallow it looks like truth but from going to deep in it things is quite different.

       So, Post Truth is very good word. It is also mostly relates today 's time. 

                We see in the media that how they hide the reality of people so people is live in some kind of ignorance but in the real life but it is not truth.
Truth is always about that exist or we can say the facts which are there. On the other hand post truth is ‘‘created truth’. the famous  phrase about truth is ‘’universal truth’’. But POST-TRUTH is an individual truth , which one believes and when that person convince others to accept the same belief by force or in a very polite way, and if people accept that as something  ‘real’ or ‘true’, it is not.


                Example can be the molestation of girls. There is a problem in the psyche of those males who molest girls. But some political leaders and other citizens have implied that the reason is short cloths of girls for this kind of molestation. This was repeated  by most of people in india and that’s why it was widely accepted also.


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