Thursday 21 December 2017

Thinking Activity on the novel Frankenstein


  1 - What are some major differences between movie and the novel Frankenstein ? (Mention any three) 
   * In the movie when Victor's brother killed by Monster that time Victor remains present . But in book it is not so. 

      * In the movie Female Monster suicides while in the book Victor kills her. 

       * In the movie Monster collects beetroots while in the book he collects firewood. 

    2- Did this movie help you in understanding the plot of the novel ? 

         * Obviously yes, It's helps a lot. There are such things which are not same but the plot is quite same. We can get idea about plot, theme and story. We can interpret the roll of characters also. 

         3 -  Who do you think is real Monster ? 

         *  According to me society is the real monster. Because it is the society or Victor's relation which leads him to create life in dead ones.  We can say that society creates some kind of mindset that, who have powerful mind they are best or only those can get great fame. So we can say that Victor tries to achieve that thing. In Monster's case , society makes him violent. Because it is society who is not accepting him just because of his ugly look. We can interpret that society cosidres monster who have ugly look. So by saying this we can say that society is in center for making monster. 

        4 - From where Mary Shelley get the idea for the novel Frankenstein?  

            * There were a competition between Mary Shelley, Byron, Polidori and P. B. Shelley about to write better horror Story. So she starts thinking about it. One day she had dream about a ghost. By that dream she creates this novel. 

           5 - Do you think the search for the knowledge is dangerous and destructive?  

          * No,I don't think. Because we find that we have so many new things and technology ,specially in medical science. So this all things came because of human' s search for knowledge. 

            6 - What are some Myths used by Mary Shelley in the novel Frankenstein?  

         * Mary Shelley uses so many myths in her novel. 
          # The myth of Prometheus : It's also the subtitle of novel. In the myth of Prometheus, Prometheus steals the fire from heaven to help human and gets punished by the Zeus.  Same ,Victor wants to help people by giving life to dead ones but the creation becomes evil . And he meets to tragic end. 

        # Myth of Bible : In the Bible God creates human. Same in the novel Victor creates Monster. 

     # Myth of Narcissus : In the Greek mythology Narcissus was a hunter. He was known for his beauty. He was self centered, proud , egoist. He keeps seeing his reflection and dies . In the case of Victor he also wants to pride, fame and glory. He just only thinks about his own self. 


       7 - Write about the narratology of Frankenstein. 

             * There are three narrators in the novel. First is Walton, who tells the story to his sister in the form of letters ,which is calls epistolary writing. Second is Victor, who tells the story to Walton .The third is Monster.     



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