Wednesday 3 January 2018

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen

  #  "Austen has represented the society in which she lived " Explain with special reference to Sense and Sensibility. 

                          Introduction :

Works : 

Sense and Sensibility :

       A novel written by Jane Austen. Probably written in 1795 as an epistolary novel entitled "Elinor and Marianne ". Published in 1811. The story is about Dashwood Sisters, Elinor and Marianne. And about domestic life. 

Characters of the Novel :

Representation of Society in which she lived :

      - Austen write this novel around the turn of the 18th century on the cusp between two cultural movements : Classicism and Romanticism . 

     -  Austen had lived in towns like Bath and Southampton and had visited London. But yet she describes the pastoral background in the novel. 

   - Affection for Country house ,or for native land , like Norland Park, Barton Park, Cleveland. 

                  When they depart from -

          Marianne : ' dear, dear Norland '.

        -  Characters lead a life of leisure. Much time is spent in gossip, chatter and the reading of poetry and romances. 

     -   The concept of upper class and middle class. Everyone wants to maintain economic security. 
       -  English laws of primogeniture, the first - born son inherits the family estate. But money is bequeathed directly to the rest of the family. If son is not old enough than estate is left to the mother. 

          - Concept of joint Family .

          - Literature used as an instrument of reforms. 


       - Marriage Market . Women and Mens are married for money rather than for love. Women could not own property or hold a job, other wise they lose their social status. 
        - Marianne : ' Mamma, the more I knew of the world, the more am I convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love. I require so much. '

      - A man of that time period could simply accuse her of adultery to get divorce. 


- Explosion of Arts. Intense language, abstract ideas, music, colourful imagery. 

Conclusion :

           In short we can say that Austen lived in age where we can find :

               - A world ruled by Men 
               - Female Suffers 
               - Men are cold, selfish, dishonest 
               - Economy and Products 
               - A female who has property they remains in the center. 
               - A society dominated by greed 



1 comment:

  1. Good attampt brother ,

    Really very helpful ,

    Very useful for exam preparation ....

    Keep sharing , writing
