Tuesday 25 September 2018

" Breath" by Samuel Beckett - An Interpretation Challenge

    This task has been given to the students as an understanding of absurdity in the Beckett's play. For more details CLICK HERE.... 

      When we heard that the play " Breath "  is a Thirty Second play, So in a way it quite surprised us. 

        Here is the my interpretation of the play - " Breath "

 The script of the play:
1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.
2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds. 


   The whole play creates a trivial images in our mind. The process of life is a merely journey of a  " Thirty Second." Time and again it reminds us about the concept of  nihilism. 
     If we read the first part then we can say that FAINT LIGHT - Which shows the contradiction. Same way in life there is a light but in a way there is full darkness prevail in the life. 

    In second part we heard the vagitus and it increases with the light. We can say after suffering from the pain suddenly we get some inner power to boost our lives but after a moment the situation remains the same. 

     Again in the last part the whole process comes to it's end. We work hard for our existence but yet somehow we feel that something is lacking in our lives. At the end the rushing process comes to it's end  as our death knocks on the doors. 

   After watching this play we can say that we heard the sound of inhaling and of  exhaling. In this short movie we finds medical waste. Which reminds us about our worst health and also of The robotic life. When we see the image of SWASTIKA ... We can interpret that we blindly follow the rituals which leads us towards the "hell." 

       In this movie we finds so many fruits. Which represents the luxury of the life. Sometimes we gets so many things in the life but yet we never feel happiness. 

We heard the cry of a child. Which means to be born in the planet is a curse. The whole life is a rubbish thing. 

          The another interpretation comes in our mind is that rape and corruption is happening in seconds. The Swastika is in garbage. Which means spirituality is lacking in the people or we can say there is no need of spirituality because in a way both leads to the suffering. 

          Thus we can say that Samuel Beckett has presented the real concept of life. A concept of absurdity and of meaninglessness.

                                                       Thank you.... 

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