Tuesday 9 October 2018

Sunday Reading - Gujarati Short Stories by Mahendrasinh Parmar

     This task has been given to the students to cultivate the habit of imagination / interpretation.
    # Intellectual Indubhai and # ISI no hath are the Short Stories from the  " Polytechnic " - A collection of Short Stories. Which was published in 2016 by Mahendrasinh Parmar. 

      Here we can see the importance of literature in society. How literature unfolds the pitfalls of society.  If one has read the essay calls "Tradition and Individual Talent"  by T. S. Eliot, where we find the term # Historical Sense. Which is must required in contemporary time.

# Intellectual Indubhai : 

          In this story we find a person whose name is Indubhai. An intelligent  teacher by  the designation and a benevolent person. Who teaches not only the subject knowledge but humanity too. In a way he plants the seed for the better civilization. He uses the references of Camus, Kafka, Freud, Nietzsche, Eliot, Premanand, Narsinh, Meera, Darwin and Milton in his teaching. Which shows his wide reading and knowledge. But one day some of the troops starts burning the houses and suddenly whole region turns into fire. In that repercussion Indubhai's whole thing vanished. Amidst this he sees his students in that troops. Which puts him in misery. He says to his students that this is what I  have taught you...? After loosing everything he starts criticising the western thinkers.

 # Real life Event :

         When we read the story we can identify the historical context of it. Which tells the story of Post- Godhra riots. How whole state turned into violence. People were killing each other. And this majority -minority groups were the reason behind it. Mass raped of women, train burning and so many other things happened.

# Other interpretations :

         The title it self suggests so many new things. In contemporary time intellectual people has to suffer a lot. It becomes necessary to read about the above mentioned thinkers. Which shows the wide reading of writer too. Here one question arises in our mind is that by not using the surname writer wants to hide the identity or tries to break the concept of casteism...? After reading further, Can we say that if person is not an intellectual one then he / she may suffer from distinctiveness....?
              While moving further we finds a bitter but real satire on students. So many times we hear the news that some students are caught with weapons in examination. They threatens the teacher for not allowing  cheating in the exam. Same thing happens with Indubhai when he spot his students in that troops.
                  Another interesting thing we finds is that how humanities is dying. We can see the hypocrisy of the people. They thinks that they all have virtues because they all have studied  the " Gujarat no Nath ," " Krishnanu Jivansangit, " "Satyana Prayogo ," etc. But suddenly they all becomes violator. In recent time we sees the attack on Hindi- speaking workers in the state.
          So many time we find peoples who denies to support  because of the invisible  threat of # Monty. Same way in story also Dr. refuses to help.

# ISI no Hath : 

        It is a fabulous story to read. Which shows the skillfulness of the writer. In this story we finds that somebody has attacked on the temple. And within 24 hours all victims are caught. After the interrogation we came to know that they all are the local citizens of the town. First one is Ishwar Dabhi - a " Sanitary Engineer," Second one is Sharad Joshi - "a caterer," and the third one is Indrajit Dholakiya - " a professor. "
            Now the whole case is in the hand of S. P. Shinge. Somehow he shows empathy towards them and tries to give fair judgement. Meanwhile we get the news that they attacked on temple because this temple is the reason of their unemployment. The end of the story is very interesting. Because it has not the usual ending. All three person are now works in that temple who had great hatred for it. And suddenly S.P. Shinge disappears and media tries to find him.

# Real life Event : 
    It gives the picture of Aksharwadi Temple,  Bhavnagar. It has been famous for the encroachment. They have started so many boarding houses and tavern kind of things for their hidden motif. In a way it has stolen the customer of others. Day by day people are becoming sheeples.

# Other interpretations :
     We can say that Title of the story is very significant. Whenever we hears about ISI that time our mind always thinks about a terrorist group. But here this ISI is different. It is an acronym of these three victim. We can say that there are so many peoples who lives around us are more dangerous than terrorist. Or we can say that it describes the theory of Orientalism by Edward Said. 

     One more historical context we can give to this story is the attack on Akshardham Temple,  Gandhinagar. Another interesting thing we find is the danger of privatisation in every institution.

       When we see the end it describes the selfish motives of people. How easily people can be driven by the political power, that thing we can see in it.  And people like Shinge who tries to resist they suddenly vanish from the sight.

             Altogether we can say that how literature helps us in unfolding the evil. In a way it shows the insight of writer. Who has fearlessly portrayed the bitter but real image of society.

# Thank you...
# Courtesy...


1 comment:

  1. Well written blog and correctly said about contemporary situations
