Thursday 8 November 2018

Orientalism by Edward Said

    In this task students have to give five concepts which he/she liked from the Edward Said's interview on Orientalism. For further information related to the task click here....


       By listening the interview we came to know about the widened definition of Orientalism. In Said's words it is not sheer study of middle east but with that it has provided the other knowledge too. Like postcolonial studies and history and anthropology etc. 

1- Tries  to give real history : 

        When we read the introduction that time we finds that he felt dislike about the representation of Arab and from that he got inspired to write real history. Because Arabs were represented as a rigid people. But by giving the example of Arab-Israeli war of 1973 he has tried to prove his point. And another thing is how outer person's notion remains wrong about his own land that he tries to convince by giving the references of Ang and Gerome. 

2- Predictable : 

      In this context we can say that how western countries sees middle east. They have already been conceived their mind set by describing east as a terrorist groups. 

3-  Foreign Policy of western countries : 

      Here Said describes the different motives of France, America and Europe towards the colonies. French imperialism was very different than Europe and America. Further he said that French did not invaded like Spaniard invaded the new world, looking for a loot. But Nepolian invaded Egypt for the survey of Egypt while Europe invaded the new world looking for loot. 

4- In Popular Culture : 

     Whenever we watch movies based on war that time  we finds the representation of Arab in more negative way. Most of the time western countries tries to represent middle east as a cruel things without any investigation. 

5- Contrapuntal View :  

         In the end Said says that everyone has something good or bad. But by putting our own side on higher position one can not react negatively towards other. And mainly all people are not supposed to be bad and if you think like that way by preconceived notion then whites are also violent. So one should not think as same as other think. 

                                         Thank you...  

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