Sunday 6 January 2019

ELT - 2 and ICT : Thinking Activity

      In 21st century,  Digital Literacy became necessary for everyone. As a result of it, it becomes inevitable to include technology in education system. After an enlightened  discussion on the use of web tools in teaching / learning it becomes vital to know about the students views / understanding  on integrating the technology in education. For detailed information related to the given task click here... 

1- Why is it necessary to use Technology in education ?
  When we talk in terms of future generations,  only technology can provide better future.  There are so many benefits of using technology in classrooms. 

• Kindling : It is the technology which makes learning interesting. As we know that " learning " depends on the children/ learner. Technology works as an attractive tool. As a result of it, it increases the curiosity of the child. Where's traditional  methodology seems boring compared to the present day.  

• Digital Players : Most of the children plays video games.  They learns/ plays faster than adults. It shows their focusing power.  So if lessons are in the forms of games then it will be more easier for them to understand.

•  At their own pace : Sometimes learners can't compete with the teaching/learning speed of a teacher. By using such a technical tools student can learn at anytime/ anywhere. 

• No boundaries : It seems that there are so many problems in our education system. But now a days anyone can access any knowledge. And internet has played vital role in it.  Distance learning became possible through it. 

• It keeps students connected : By staying connected with the learners,  teacher can guide them easily at anytime. Teacher works as a stimulus. 

•  Globalization : It is the technology which makes learning global.  It helps learner in competing with the world.  

• Eco Friendly : As we all knows that there are so many fields where paper work remains in the center.  But by using technology we can overcome that concerns.  

2 - What is the difference between 'using' and 'integrating' technology ? 
          There is complete difference between the 'using' and 'integrating' the technology. Like one can use technology as a sake of 'using.' Teacher remains in the center. Lots of time spents on how to use technology. It just delivers information. Learning becomes subsidiary. Where's in 'integrating' the technology,  technology used as a routine learning,  engages the students,  mostly students remains in the center,  new thinking takes place.  In short we can connect  " using " as a LOT and  "Integrating" as a HOT. 

3 - How can we integrate technology ?

          As we know that integration depends on the learners, we can engage students for collaboration. Basically  Allow students to use computer. There are other web tools which can be used in an integration. Like podcast,  multimedia, smartphones, tablets. By using   blogs,  web quest,  virtual field trip and flipped learning students can integrate the technology. They can research easily. 

4 - Can technology replace teacher ? 

             It is a vital question to think on it.  Because there are so many places where technology has taken the place of human being.  Like in industry, handicrafts,  agriculture, and etc. According to me if teacher is well equipped then technology can't take place of a teacher. Because technology gives just information, where's teacher explains the concept by connecting the dots. As we know that human being have feelings which helps learner in learning. But yes techno friendly teacher can take place of an out dated teacher. Who always denies new things and tries to control the students.  

5 - Write in brief on David Crystal's views on 'effect of new technology on English language,' ' biggest challenge for English language teacher in the times of internet, ' 'texting is good for English language.' 

 • Effect of New technology on English : 

       David Crystal is a British linguist and author. According to him new technology has influenced English language.  For that he gives an example of a Printing Press. Like communication changed by varieties of language : Newspaper.  Next example he gives of a telephone, and tells that how our speaking style changed. People were  thought that it will create disaster and people will not go to talk. But situation is different.  Further he talk about Television and Radio. At last he says that how internet has changed the domain.  Altogether we can say that he looks positively towards the technology because he mentions Google, www,  email, text messages,  blogging,  Facebook,  YouTube and Twitter as a learning tools.  The main point is that abbreviation of language has not affected English language. 

   • Biggest challenge for English language teacher : 
         This is the era of pace,  where everything happens faster.  So teacher has to be up to date as quick as possible.  There are so many languages and it's different accents makes things more complicated.  But one should know that English is a global language,  it can be different like An Indian,  African, Australian, etc.  Language moves faster. But internet has helped a lot in understanding.  In addition he tells that teaching is the most difficult job to do.  

      • Texting is good for English : 

           By practicing one can learn English better. One can text the messages,  he argues that abbreviation has nothing to do with English language.  Nor it affects the progress of students because students will not use an abbreviation in Exams.  

6 - Name one web - tool which can help in development of all four L-S-R-W skills.  If possible explain how it works.

              By blogging we can develop these skills. For example we can use it as a digital dairy and for that we needs vocabulary, grammar and other things.  We can listen videos, it helps in reading also as we can read from anywhere/ anytime.  

                                                  Thank you.... 


  1. Indeed well work on the given task work
    #ideas good
    # chrystel s views well answered ......
    #overall good
