Friday 1 February 2019

Thinking Activity : Comparison between the novel 'The White Tiger' and the film 'Slumdog Millionaire'

              As we all know that 'Picture speaks louder than words.' So obviously it will give more effect to the audience in understanding the concept. Same way by connecting the dots one might get deeper understanding of particular belief.
               After an enlightened discussion on the novel 'The White Tiger' and the film 'Slumdog Millionaire,' it becomes necessary to show the learning / understanding. For a detailed information related to the task click here... 

             For a brief information about the novel 'The White Tiger 'click here ...  

            The representation of India in the novel 'The White Tiger' and the film 'Slumdog Millionaire' ( For a detailed information about it click on it)  is quite similar, in a way portrays the real India / rural India. Which shows the 'terrible' situation of people and that is much ignored in most Bollywood movies. ( We find rural / pastoral  India as a more glamourized and romanticized. ) But reality is something different like,

• Class Struggle/ Caste Struggle 
• Exploitation of Children 
• Sex Abuse 
• Crimes 
• Police Brutality 
• Illiteracy 
• Invisible 'Manipulation' of labourers by the Landlords
• Area of 'Darkness'
• Slavery  
• Oozing Gutters
• Exploitation of Poor by Political Parties/ Richer 

              Notwithstanding, only Holidaymakers enjoys the pleasure of pastoral background,  because they are unaware about the real  predicaments. Hence we need more Dickens and Adiga,  who indirectly works for the betterment of society.

      Let's see some similarities between the novel 'The White Tiger' and the film 'Slumdog Millionaire' :

1 - Narrative structure -
#Wanted poster  - #KBC Show

    Yes,  the narrative technique is quite similar. In the novel we find one type of interrogation scene, an illiterate man sees the poster of criminals. But he asks somebody else ( who is in suit with Red Bag - Balram ) for an explanation about these criminals. In reply 'Ashok' tells that two are terrorists and one is a 'hero' who is a driver. And he has caught these criminals. In addition he criticises the Police System of India as the poster has not given a proper information. In a way he 'slaps' that man Furthermore this whole thing takes place for the money - to be a master.(as society considers money as an incessant happiness)

        Correspondingly, film also starts with an interrogation scene in the jail. Where one constable asks 'Jamal' about how he has been able to give all the  answers correct as he belongs to the slums and services as a tea boy ! Moreover,  we see the scene of money in the screen,  which shows the deep desire to be rich. Suddenly screen fades with a slap. Again we notice satire on Police as they asks irrational questions.  They are also in the pocket of somebody else. Similarly the whole narration of the film is based on the theme of KBC.

2 - Indianness -
 In the novel and also in the film we find indianness.

• Train : As it connects whole India,  it will be difficult to think India without Train.
• Two Brothers / Jealousy  : This theme also represents the larger spectrum of Hindi Cinema.
• Cricket : The most rated ' Keeda' ( Bug ) in India. One hypothesis tells that, ultimately it is all about money / luxury.
• Poetic Justice : Indians are habituated to see the cycle of an event which ends happily Or with catharsis. But the novel remains open ended.
• Tea : Representation of Tea and Tea Boy.
• Crowded Places : Almost every places 'overflows.'
• Corruption : In all the fields.
• Regional Tension.
• Magical Interpretation

3 - List of questions asked in the film. If you have to replace or add a few questions, which questions would you like to add. Remember, question  shall be in- tune with the screenplay of the film.

4 - On what grounds can you deconstruct the film with reference to post colonial tools/ theories.

      The film 'Slumdog Millionaire' represents India in more derogatory way, though the situation seems quite similar to the film. But yet there are some points which we can ponder by applying the theory of Post Colonialism.
                  When we apply Post colonial theories that time we find more insulting representation of India.  As the director of the movie belongs to the White World.  There is one scene of the Taj Mahal,  where children shown as a thieves where's foreigners shown more humble and kind.  Moreover,  in most of the film director uses cricket as an artifact which represents colonial mindset.  Another thing is a corruption.  Ultimately we can say that this award giving also stands in the category of colonialism.

                Apart from all these,  India is different,  which lacks in the movie. 
5 - Compare with texture and treatment of subject content in film and novel.  
             Mainly structure remains same in both a movie as well as in a novel. When we see texture of both,  like in a novel protagonist has genius qualities from childhood.  But lack of opportunities ruins his study.  A boy who remains in the search of money.  They are two brothers - rivals. After lots of struggle,  murder he reaches to richness. Same way in movie also we find same texture,  like two different brothers. And in the search of money.
                 The treatment of the movie and novel is also quite same.  Both director and writer have observed all the things minutely. Like, representation of poverty,  sex abuse,  crime,  exploitation of children,  brutality of police, family issues,  poor condition of villagers, casteism,  and etc. 

6 -  How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger ? 
        The representation of India is quite similar to what real India is.  But yes we can't deny the development of India too.  But there are places where still situations is something horrible.  Even people are unable to get daily food,  basic education, some social problems like dowry,  rituals which ruins life of an individuals.  Correspondingly corruption prevails everywhere in  India, disgraceful situation of a police system and much more. 

7 - Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches' ? 

     Yes,  it seems that this book stands in the category of self help book. In real life we find so many entrepreneurs who has lived some horrible life then they reached at this height.  While we look this archetype, Balram's story also get fits in the category of rags to riches.  As from his mediocre childhood he reaches to richness.

                                                     Thank you..

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