Monday 27 January 2020

'The Character of a Happy Life' by Henry Wotton

      'The Character of a Happy Life' is a poem written by the English author and diplomat Sir Henry Wotton. 

     This poem is about the character of a happy life. Where poet gives the example or we can say provides the lessons which can be considered as the character of a happy life.

          How happy is he born or taught,
           That serveth not another's will;
      Whose armour is his honest thought,
          And simple truth his highest skill;

        In first stanza poet says that, a person who is free to do anything in his or her life are the most happiest people in the world. Because they don't have to worry about others's opinion.  Here we can sense that, may be the narrator is not happy with his life.  In addition, narrator makes a strong statement by saying that, that person doesn't need any armour as his honest thoughts and simple truth stands like a mountain against the enemy. Even we can say that these are the virtues which makes the person happy in his life.

       Whose passions not his masters are;
      Whose soul is still prepar'd for death
           Untied unto the world with care
       Of princes's grace or vulgar breath;

        In the next stanza, narrator describes the good characteristics of a happy man by giving the example of the word 'passion'. Because it leads towards the success as well as to the failure.  But the happy people never get affected by the anger, he handles his emotions with great respect.  However, to fulfill the dreams his soul is ready to die.  Besides all these, the happy person remains aloof from worldly possessions. Even he doesn't crave for the praise, but gives way to the criticism, as it helps in looking one's own self.

 Who envies none whom chance doth raise,
          Or vice; who never understood
    The deepest wounds are given by praise,
            By rule of state,  but not of good;

    In this stanza poet talks about the relationship of a happy person. A happy person never gets envious for the others,  whether they are successful or not,  even they are, by vice, then also, great man shows well state of behavior with everyone and this is what makes him happier than  the others.  We can interpret that the praise which are given by the 'state' are hardly recognizable, but happy man chooses his own rules to live this invaluable life.

     Who have his life from rumours freed;
     Whose conscience is his strong retreat;
       Whose state can neither flatters feed,
           Nor ruins make accuser great;

    As narrator has shown the way of a happy life, in preceding stanza he gives the reasons behind the happy life of a person.  The happiest person keeps himself away from the rumors, because for him 'conscience' is the best guide. He knows about the sycophants ! and even bad wisher can't do anything to his soul.

        Who God doth late and early pray,
    More of his grace than goods to send,
         And entertains the harmless day
      With a well- chosen book or friend.

       Furthermore, narrator tells that happy man goes to pray everyday as it provides positive vibes in his life.  Though he never asks for the things in return,  what he wants is the grace only.  During his day the happy person entertains himself by enjoying the company of a book and friend. Eventually he enjoys the simple living which makes his life more beautiful and interesting. 

     This man is free from servile bands
            Of hope to rise or fear to fall;
     Lord of himself, though not of lands;
         And having nothing, yet hath all.

       In last stanza poet talks about the powerful mindset of a happy person.  They are more mature compare to other. The person is happy because he is free from every servile,  he has no fear of failure as well as he has accepted the reality with the help of his potentiality.  He considers himself as the master of his own fate,  but yes not to show the arrogance of the materialistic things,  but he has everything which has been attributed to the happiest life. 
          In short we can say that to become happy one needs honesty and truthfulness in their lives, the person should not think of own dreams by listening the own conscience. To reach at the pinnacle of the happiness one thinks of being free from every bonds.  And that's what makes life easier and happy too. 


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