Monday 23 July 2018

Bhavnagar Gadhyasabha Jayantbhai Pathak - Smriti Din

# Attended 
    Shri Jayantibhai Pathak - Smriti Din
# At Shamaldas College ,Bhavnagar. 
# Bhavnagar " Gadhyasabha" 
# Harish Mahuvakar's books releasing/ discharge 1- " Try English "
                   2- " Le, Tu Pan Jo Ne...! " ( Essay Collection)  
#  Ajay Oza's books releasing / discharge              1- " Once again " ( Gujarati stories /collection )             2- " Kirdar " ( Hindi stories / collection) 

      What we see in today's time is that humanities is some how getting missing from the society. It is the literature which gives the lessons for the better civilization.

          In the beginning of the event  Dr. Dilip Barad talked about the novel " Train to Pakistan "  which is written by Khushwant Singh. And he has tried to give explanation from various angle. 

  • How nation's center decides the border of that village.
  •  Train which represents the machinery world. And he tried to connect with the people. 
  •  As in Trains, there are different classes same way it shows the class of society. 
   •  He gives the reference of the book "Civilization and its discontents " by Sigmund Freud. 
    •  He referred the word conquer in the context of encroachment. 
     •  Tryst with Destiny and Tryst with Train.

            What we get from the talk is that with the help of the novel's character he tried to give the message of non violence. It is necessary too because nowadays " we can see in India how mob lynching is taking place. 

            After that Prabodh Shukla shared his experience of his past. And he told that " What child sees it will never get  rub from the mind. According to him to remember something means development of truth .

          In the last Vipulbhai Purohit talked about Harishbhai' s essay collection and mainly it refers the author's journey around the domestic and wild life of the state. And My dear Jayu also talked on  Ajaybhai Oza's work and suggested that there is no need of alankara in the work but there must should be balance between thinking and feeling because literature requires balance. 

          Overall it was fruitful session to attend. But it reminds me  that one should praise the poem not poet. 
                                                          Thank you 


  1. Very great memory power Vipul

  2. Very well explained VC.Your # tags always attract readers to read full blog.
