Tuesday 3 July 2018

Online Discussion - Mario Vargas Llosa's interview


     Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is “The Neighborhood.” He was interviewed for The WorldPost by Michael Skafidas, a journalist and professor of comparative literature at the City University of New York.

       Here I am sharing the ideas which l like the most from his interview. 

 • That words are acts and that you write things that could make a difference in history or solve problems. Writing was a way to participate in the creation of a different kind of society: freer, more just, more liberal. Yes, the influence of Sartre  (click on it to know about him) also we finds in his work. Because he says that to become a writer and made me understand that writing was not only for creating pleasure but also a tool for change. 

" The Neighborhood "  (click on it to know about it )

    The brutality expanded to all levels of society. There was a strict curfew that produced this extraordinary explosion of sex life and sexuality in the private spaces where one had to dwell. It was the only way you could escape the terrible threat of the real world. All the principles and moral limitations disappeared. 
     That reality we can find today also. There are so many places where these kinds of things takes place. So many times we finds that the moral values disappears from the person. In some of the field someone wants to be free from corruption but they can't because the question may arise of existence. 

•  We have stereotyped the vision of countries. This point proves that we should not consider someone as a good according to his or her's field. They may do wrong and that is why Llosa puts them into the category of human who often does the mistakes. We can say that people should break the stereotypical thinking. 

• it is right to denounce abuses against women. These abuses are everywhere, so I have total sympathy for this movement as far as it is for more justice, more democracy, more equality of opportunities for women and men.

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