Tuesday 6 March 2018

Cultural Studies - Media and Power

                        Thinking Activity

    Before discussing the Power and Media we must have to understand What is Cultural Studies? 

What is Cultural Studies :
    It is nearly impossible to define. It is made of ambiguous. The definition is comes out from Mathew Arnold 's idea. 
      It is for study with full of transperancy, full.of discipline, full of freedom and without anyone' s control. It is not to know about high and low ,elite and popular. But it is for encompasses everything. 

    But for Cultural Studies we must have to first study the" Power " with critical insights. And we knows that Power makes extensive use of the Media. 

     Relation are not free from Power dynamics. 

    What is Power :
     Is the ability to make others do what you would have them do.
      There are six main sources of civic power. 
  1. Physical Force =  In this source "Power" uses the physical power and tries to suppress the voices of common people. Who is raising their voices against Power. 

    If we take example of it than we find for the justice against rape people comes out on  the road and raises their voices against the power but by putting physical forces outside, power suppresses the voice .

  2. Wealth = Those persons who are richer they rules over the world. Even the government can not do anything against them. And whatever they wants do they can easily do because indirectly the rule is in the hand of them.

   Now a days there is Nidahas trophy is going on in Sri Lanka. But the broadcasting of it is on the channel of government and other private channel is only Jio TV.

  3. State Action = It means what to do or not  to do that  indirectly decides power and we just feel democratic system but some how we are not able to know that it is like dictatorship.  

  4. Social Norms = It means how people behaves with everyone. Person thinks that what people will think, what they says.
   5. Ideas = It means an idea of individual thinking. How you think to come in power or against Power .

   6. Numbers = These numbers decides what to do or what not to do. In a way majority considers as a good. How can one person has these kinds of majority .

• How Power operates : 
            There is three laws of power .
   1- Power is never static 
    It means Power keeps changing . Opposition is not individual. 
   2- Power is like water  
          It means power is like liquid. It shapes as the form as it is. 
   3- Power compounds 
           It means power multiplies power. 

     • Where power comes from 

           +  Character 
             Great Citizen
      • Noam Chomsky gives five filters 

     1 Media Ownership  = It is for profit. " It is in their interest to push for whatever guarantees that profit."

   2 Advertising = It is not just that the media is selling you a product, they are also selling advertiser a product : you."

  3 Media Elite = Journalism can not be a " Check on power. Government ,corporations, institutions know how to influence the media. 

  4 Flack = The story is not in favour of power than they divert the conversation ,you will see the flack machine in action


   5 The Common enemy = To manufacture consent you need an enemy. Terrorist, immigrants. 

         Cultural studies makes one truly educated person. As the student cultivate the habit of questioning one discipline with the findings of another discipline as the student unlearn what specific disciplines taught and more importantly it teaches controversies. 

               *What is truly educated person...

       One must have ability to inquire something without external controls are with freedom. It is to be resourceful ,to be able to "Formulate serous question " and "question standard doctrine, if that's appropriate ...it means to find your own way. 



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