Saturday 17 March 2018

Farewell and Annual function


# Attended Farewell and Annual Function 
# At The Department of English 
# A big thanks to the Guest of the function... 
     - Mr. Dhirenbhai Vaishnav and 
    - Mr. Bhalendubhai Buch for motivational speech.
      Unfortunately a bittersweet  day came to its end like a blink of an eye. But it is an universal truth that every good or bad thing comes to its end. But here this day came to its end to begin new journey.... To move further one has to be detach from attachments, As a theory of  lord Krishna. 

     Overall it was great day. My indefatigable senior and classmates presented their uphill battle with the help of Presentation, By doing Dance, by preparing Memorabilia, By showing Videos And  by Singing. In memorabilia they have presented whole year's  academic activities done by Department and also done by the student .
    All the things  were terrific. By enjoying the video we came to know the cryptic characteristics of the seniors. All videos were well edited.  FB  pictures also connected properly with the characteristics of the person. Song recitation was  also melodious .

      We enjoyed Assami Folk dance from one of my senior who belongs to Assam. It was so much entertaining. 

     After completing all this things  Dilip Barad Sir has given us motivational abbreviation letters to put into practice for  our day to day life. And that are....

      1- Priority 
      2- Perseverance 
      3- Punctuality 
      4- Practice 
      5- Play 
      6- Fly 

       As a junior what I feel about seniors is.... all are very much friendly. They are like shoulder of the body, without Shoulder, hand will not work. But interesting quality which is still remaining in them is they have  put all juniors ahead of them in every place. They have gave the more opportunities to the juniors. 

        # Virat Kohli can not be M. S. Dhoni 

       What I am feeling right now is that it is  like.... At our  home if we are small we  enjoy everything, we get more freedom, we have not at all any concern of anything. ( But it is also stereotypes )But after coming of small person in our home, our status automatically becomes bigger. So now our duty changed. We  have to be more onus. And also to keep new person happy and motivated in every way. 

        I have never met seniors like you in whole my career. 
                                                  Thank you..... 




  1. Very well expressed! Good use of Language.

  2. Wow..such an to the point review of farewell function.. I remember my feelings of our farewell and our seniors farewell ..It was and channel of department and life to .We have to go far more in life so keep going and enjoy old memories like childhood..
