Friday 2 March 2018

Deconstruction - Jacques Derrida

                        Thinking Activity 
      What is Deconstruction... ?
      Deconstruction is a theory given by Jacques Derrida. We can not define deconstruction. And that Derrida himself also accepts. It is not a destructive activity but it is for inquiring into the foundation of everything . So the Post - Structuralist goes deep into the work, and tries to look from different approaches. It is for inquiring into the condition. By reading this we can find binary opposition. 

     It also inquires through philosophical system , at the same time it has some limitations also. Derrida rethinks the Western Philosophy.

       Derrida points out that these oppositions are not equal but hierarchic where the second term is considered either derivative or inferior to the first, priveledged one.

          According to him one can not react at final meaning. Derrida is drawing attention towards difference between speech and writing, He questions privilege of speech over writing and that is calls Phonocentricism. 

      Here I am deconstructing the advertisement of Fortune cooking oil .


                In this advertisement we find a scene of Hospital. A patient is lying in the bed. A nurse is taking care of him. And an old lady tries to give home food to him and she is trying to convince that nurse to allow her.
                But she denies. But one day she convinced and allowing her to give food to the patient.
                So we may think that this is  very good advertisement .But if we start deconstructing it than we realize that how it shows the reality of life. Some how they give us goggles to see in only one direction .

    Deconstructed points =

   We can understand that in Hospital we have to go so many times ...than they will look in our problems.
   We have to give bribe to them... Than they will work. It means we can buy anybody by money. Another meaning is if you have money than you can do anything.
   It shows the lake of characterness of that nurse. Because after giving food to her she allowed that lady to give her home food to the patient. The another question arises in our mind is in Hospital there is question of the  food 'quality.
    So by shallow observation we can not find this kind of things from this advertisement but after looking from various aspects we can find that how problematic this advertisement is. Indirectly it criticises the government section.
                                                           Thank you                 

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